counter - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of counter in Hindi

  • काउंटर
  • पटल
  • विरोध करना
  • गणित्र
  • गणनाफलक
  • विक्रयफलक
  • काउन्टर

counter Definition


  • a long flat-topped fixture in a store or bank across which business is conducted with customers.
  • a small disk used as a place marker or for keeping the score in board games.
  • an apparatus used for counting.
  • a thing which opposes or prevents something else.
  • the curved part of the stern of a ship projecting aft above the waterline.
  • the white space enclosed by a letter such as O or c.
  • the back part of a shoe or boot, enclosing the heel.


  • speak or act in opposition to.


  • in the opposite direction to or in conflict with.


  • responding to something of the same kind, especially in opposition.


  • denoting opposition, retaliation, or rivalry.

counter Example

  • Carmen grabbed the thermometer from the counter and gave it to him. ( कारमेन ने काउंटर से थर्मामीटर पकड़ा और उसे दे दिया। )
  • Electronic banking may make overthe - counter transactions obsolete. ( इलेक्ट्रॉनिक बैंकिंग ओवर-द-काउंटर लेनदेन को अप्रचलित बना सकती है। )
  • The pig to be hogtied was on the counter. ( जिस सुअर को hogtied किया जाना था वह काउंटर पर था। )
  • This counter is closed now. ( यह काउंटर अभी बंद है। )

More Sentence

  • Counter every negative with apositive.
  • Where is the Japan Airlines counter?
  • Noticing a deck of cards on the counter, she paused.
  • She tossed her keys on the counter and set down the flowers.
  • He banged a pliers on the counter.
  • Liam placed the bag on the counter.
  • The girl behind the counter smiled.
  • Bev had just placed on the counter.
  • She sagged against a counter, hoping he believed her.
  • Carmen carried the basket of eggs to the counter beside the sink and watched as Alex took the lid off the roasting pan.
  • She slid off the counter and straightened too quickly.
  • Sushi counters and designer housewares were available at the Pavilions markets.
  • But Mexico's forgotten millions cannot wait, counters Cardenas.
  • Classes took place at the kitchen counter or in the gazebo.
  • Council members counter that they sometimes vote against their industry interests.
  • The guy on the next lunch counter stool wants an answer.
  • Prime Ticket promoted former bean counter Kathryn " Kitty"
  • Dark splotches hindered her vision and she paused, planting a hand firmly on the counter for support.
  • After cleaning up the counter, she opened the refrigerator.
  • The counter movement reaches the starting point of the first movement in the west--Paris--and subsides.
  • She placed a bag on the counter.
  • There is also a slayer counter.
  • I went to the air ticket counter.
  • Claire looked down at the counter.
  • He drags it along to the counter.
  • I quickly scaled the food counter.
  • His hand tightened on the counter.
  • Yancey lifted Lisa from the counter and helped her into a chair.
  • She followed them and set her cocoa down on the counter, grabbing the whiskey and retreating with the intent of drinking herself to sleep.
  • She dumped her omelet onto her plate and faced him, leaning against the counter to eat.
  • Glaxo, until recently, disdained over-the counter drugs.
  • I think it runs counter to our whole system of justice.
  • It's counter-productive on Delta's part.
  • Secure drawers and cabinets below counter-top level with latches.
  • George counters that the contract between the two parties is binding.
  • Also, their banging on the counter helped give them away.
  • She snatched a wooden cutting board as the maid rounded a counter with the knife raised.
  • Sofia dropped her backpack onto the kitchen counter, taking in the damage.
  • He set his coat down on the counter, and her hands began to tremble.