aggravation - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of aggravation in Hindi
- उत्तेजना
- वृद्धि
- छेड़ छाड़
- अपवृद्धि
- अतिरेक
- प्रकोपन
- छेड़छाड़
aggravation Definition
- an intensification of a negative quality or aspect. ( एक नकारात्मक गुणवत्ता या पहलू का गहनता। )
- the state of being aggravated. ( उत्तेजित होने की अवस्था। )
- a cause of annoyance or irritation. ( झुंझलाहट या जलन का कारण। )
aggravation Example
- Hopefully that will lessen the aggravation to the knee. ( उम्मीद है कि घुटने के लिए दर्द कम हो जाएगा। )
- I gave the salve to one person with colitis and told him that it may cause a temporary aggravation . ( मैंने कोलाइटिस वाले एक व्यक्ति को सलामी दी और उसे बताया कि यह एक अस्थायी विकृति का कारण हो सकता है। )
- the whole business has caused me a lot of aggravation ( पूरे व्यवसाय ने मुझे बहुत पीड़ा दी है )
- While many CSA farms offer two sizes of shares, we decided after our first season to eliminate that aggravation . ( जबकि कई CSA फ़ार्म दो प्रकार के शेयरों की पेशकश करते हैं, हमने उस आघात को खत्म करने के लिए अपने पहले सीज़न के बाद फैसला किया। )
More Sentence
- Negotiators were optimistic despite the aggravation of the standoff caused by the press release
- I think this new service offers nothing but more headaches: more of my time, more email, more aggravation .
- Sounds of frustration and aggravation emanated from the kitchen.
- the patient experienced an aggravation of symptoms
- The outcome will be economic aggravation , dashing the desperate hope for an economic recovery.
- There is also the aggravation to a user of deliberately having to accept cookies every time a site proffers one.
- So we were not entirely surprised to hear that the HP 8100 burner was still causing aggravation to Win2K users.
- The latest figures show a certain aggravation on the inflation front, according to the report.
- He pitched in an extended spring training game last week with no further aggravation .
- ‘It's not worth the aggravation ,’ he said, describing the process as too complicated.
- I'm struggling to keep those rants off this page and every time I sit down to write I think, do I really need the aggravation that comes with taking a side on an issue?
- Getting your voice heard is a source of both pleasure and aggravation .
- Old Man Winter is like an unexpected out-of-town visitor - you never know when he's coming, how long he's going to stay or how much aggravation he'll cause.
- These types of communities could avoid the detrimental impacts of urban sprawl, including aggravation of the region's air quality problems.
- The aggravation of the problem is directly related to the violence unleashed on the natural enemies of pests.
- You echo the concerns and aggravation of many day and resident camp directors I have worked with over the past several years.
- Save us all the aggravation you're putting us through.
- Because magnets have such a positive effect on vascular circulation, some individuals may experience a temporary aggravation as a consequence of the increased discharge of toxins.
- Starting the day off with aggravation is not a good thing.
- I don't need this aggravation
- Mr. Smith's aggravation at their dispute over Jon Bon Jovi's appearance in Young Guns II boiled over into some weird jungle flashback.
- A source of aggravation could be your temporary inability to sort out intensely private feelings.
- I accept that he did suffer from some aggravation of his existing mental health problems.
- Hence the helter-skelter prose - I can't think beyond the aggravation .
- A two-hour delay, a bit of aggravation , and a hint of danger this morning for passengers aboard a Boston-bound Amtrak train.
- Internet users' aggravation with the deluge of pop-up ads