damned - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of damned in Hindi
- शापित
- मलऊन
- शापित
- शापग्रस्त
- धिक्कारा हुआ
- घृणास्पद
- आक्षेप किया हुआ
- कोसा हुआ
- मलामत किया हुआ
- निन्दा किया हुआ
- अपराधी
- घिनौना
- मुलज़िम
- नरकवासी
- घृणित
damned Definition
- (in Christian belief) condemned by God to suffer eternal punishment in hell.
- used to emphasize or express anger or frustration with someone or something.
- used for emphasis or to express anger or frustration.
damned Example
- she's too damned arrogant ( वह बहुत अभिमानी है )
- You mean to say that you charge thirteen dollars for these damned inhuman hospitalities of yours? ( आपके कहने का मतलब यह है कि आप अपने इन शापित अमानवीय आतिथ्य सत्कार के लिए तेरह डॉलर लेते हैं? )
- A man who is damned by the village-priest or the Brahmin kulkarni is doomed for good. ( एक व्यक्ति जो ग्राम-पुजारी या ब्राह्मण कुलकर्णी द्वारा शापित होता है, वह अच्छे के लिए बर्बाद होता है। )
- Ah, did not nature oversway my will, The world should know this plot of damned ill. ( आह, प्रकृति ने मेरी इच्छा पर काबू नहीं किया, दुनिया को शापित बीमार की इस साजिश को जानना चाहिए। )
More Sentence
- They insist that the best man God ever made, deserved to be damned the moment he was finished.
- It was for her that I felt sorry; I pitied her for having that damned soul on her track.
- You may be eternally damned if you do not say that you can conceive these things, but you cannot conceive them.
- The damned villain has got around her with his honey words and now he proposes to leave her to face it alone.
- If we obey its every precept without believing in its inspiration we will be damned just as certainly as though we disobeyed its every word.
- Many and bitter were the quarrels they had on the subject, but the more she talked the more resolute was Tom not to be damned to please her.
- the spirits of the damned
- damned sinners
- And the liberal knew he had damned good reason to live.
- And they're endorsing every damned product that comes along.
- Damned if the guy didn't take it ."
- He is endured only because he's so damned intelligent.
- In exchange for the access, Roberts damned with faint praise.
- We're pretty damned honest, " said Rucker.
- But not everything was so damned funny after all, apparently.
- It's difficult to see damned in a sentence .
- Somebody's got to be a damned fool ."
- it's none of your damned business
- she is one damned fine pilot