acid - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of acid in Hindi


  • अम्ल
  • एसिड
  • तेजाब


  • अम्ल
  • खट्टा
  • तीखा

acid Definition


  • a chemical substance that neutralizes alkalis, dissolves some metals, and turns litmus red; typically, a corrosive or sour-tasting liquid of this kind. ( एक रासायनिक पदार्थ जो क्षार को बेअसर करता है, कुछ धातुओं को घोलता है, और लिटमस को लाल कर देता है; आमतौर पर, इस तरह का एक संक्षारक या खट्टा-तरल। )
  • a molecule or other entity that can donate a proton or accept an electron pair in reactions. ( एक अणु या अन्य इकाई जो एक प्रोटॉन दान कर सकती है या प्रतिक्रियाओं में एक इलेक्ट्रॉन जोड़ी को स्वीकार कर सकती है। )
  • the drug LSD. ( दवा एलएसडी। )


  • containing acid or having the properties of an acid; in particular, having a pH of less than 7. ( एसिड युक्त या एक एसिड के गुणों वाले; विशेष रूप से, 7 से कम का पीएच होना। )
  • sharp-tasting or sour. ( तीखा स्वाद या खट्टा। )

acid Example

  • It is medium bodied with surprisingly strong flavors, a crisp acid balance and a slightly bitter finish. ( यह आश्चर्यजनक रूप से मजबूत स्वाद, एक कुरकुरा एसिड संतुलन और थोड़ा कड़वा खत्म के साथ मध्यम है। )
  • I reach down and pry the knife she was holding out of her hands; it's a standard chainsteel model, but with a hollow edge filled with corrosive hexavalent acid . ( मैं नीचे पहुँचता हूँ और वह चाकू छीनता हूँ जो उसने अपने हाथों से पकड़े थे; यह एक मानक चेनस्टील मॉडल है, लेकिन संक्षारक हेक्सावैलेंट एसिड से भरे एक खोखले किनारे के साथ। )
  • Two teenagers were lucky to still have their sight, after they were sprayed in the face with a corrosive acid in an apparently unprovoked attack on Chiswick High Road. ( दो किशोर अभी भी अपनी दृष्टि के लिए भाग्यशाली थे, क्योंकि उन्हें चेहरे पर एक संक्षारक एसिड के साथ छीविक हाई रोड पर एक जाहिरा तौर पर अप्रकाशित हमले में छिड़क दिया गया था। )

More Sentence

  • The Haluut Bulag melange contains lenses of limestone, sandstone, chert, tuff, minor acid volcanic material, and vesicular basalt.
  • They need well-drained acid soil and sun or partial shade and are best pruned in March.
  • acid flavour
  • They rely on a judicious ratio of noodle, meat and/or vegetables to broth and a sophisticated interplay of flavours which might include salty, sour, acid , sweet and spicy - hot.
  • ‘Please leave, I do not wish to speak to you,’ she said in quietly acid tones that immediately raised his concern.
  • I smiled as sweetly as I could and kissed her cheek as I breathed in the pungent acid aroma.
  • Lactate, your body's buffering agent, neutralizes the acid that builds up in your legs and makes them burn during heavy exertion.
  • It is an acid cherry that provides a bittersweet flavour when fully ripe.
  • She wore an acid green skating dress made by her mother.
  • Listening to this in the middle of the night is what I'd imagine having a particularly strange trip on acid would be like.
  • You can't eat it fresh because it's so acid , but often these highly acid fruits have the best flavour, and it makes the most wonderful fruit drinks, sorbets, ice creams and other things.
  • Sorrel likes rich, moist, acid soil and will even grow in containers.
  • The letter ends with more acid advice: Since the politician has a lifetime pension, he'd be better off polishing his golf game.
  • Balsamic vinegar is acid because it's vinegar after all, but when combined with fruits it seems to make a background flavor that enhances natural sweetness of the fruits.
  • Boxwood prefer slightly acid to slightly alkaline soil and do very well when planted in early fall.
  • Sometimes he brings his wife, to swap acid comments with the bartender.
  • Flashbacks can occur at any time after taking acid , sometimes even after many years.
  • Asked what he thinks about that constant speculation, the Frenchman's acid response is that his counterpart must have a good agent.
  • ‘Big surprise there,’ Jordan quipped, though with considerably less acid in his voice.
  • His antimilitarism and acid comments on ‘the military mind’ will probably antagonize many present-day soldiers.
  • The sky was a dark grey colour, occasionally coloured with deep red and acid green.
  • If you have an acid soil, a good way to rectify the situation is to rake lime into the ground in late winter.
  • Unlike many magnolias, M. stellata will grow just as well on alkaline soils as it will on acid soil.
  • Sadie spat in an acid tone, refusing to even acknowledge that the woman was her mother.
  • He has become more prominent since Henry took over in November 1999 and adds the sugar to the coach's acid remarks when things are not going well.
  • The wetting agents typically used in the acid process are relatively rinse- free when compared to alkaline systems.
  • These extra acid molecules are thought to make polyanaline dissolve in water because they are available to interact with water molecules in the liquid the plastic is bathed in.