flat - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of flat in Hindi
- समतल
- फ्लैट
- सपाट
- समतल
- नीरस
- समभूमि
- चिकना
- मंदबुद्धि
- बिना उपयुक्तता का
- फ़्लैट
- चपटापन रूप में
- सतह रूप से
- सिद्धे
- दिल खोलकर
- खंड
- समतल भूमि
- एक खण्ड के कमरे
- मंज़िल
flat Definition
- smooth and even; without marked lumps or indentations.
- lacking interest or emotion; dull and lifeless.
- (of a sparkling drink) having lost its effervescence.
- (of a fee, wage, or price) the same in all cases, not varying with changed conditions or in particular cases.
- (of musical sound) below true or normal pitch.
- relating to flat racing.
- in or to a horizontal position.
- completely; absolutely.
- below the true or normal pitch of musical sound.
- the flat part of something.
- an upright section of painted stage scenery mounted on a frame.
- a musical note lowered a semitone below natural pitch.
- make flat; flatten.
flat Example
- We don't have flat land in this region.(हमारे पास इस क्षेत्र में समतल भूमि नहीं है।)
- He had just fixed a flat on his bike.(हमारे पास इस क्षेत्र में समतल भूमि नहीं है।)
- It was flat.(यह सपाट था।)
- Some small wild cats, very poor flat fur of a pale fawn colour with yellow spots, are imported from Australia and used for linings.
- The fur is very flat and poor, of a yellowish pale brown with a little marking of black.(कुछ छोटी जंगली बिल्लियाँ, पीले धब्बों के साथ हल्के पीले रंग की बहुत खराब सपाट फर, ऑस्ट्रेलिया से आयात की जाती हैं और अस्तर के लिए उपयोग की जाती हैं।
- फर बहुत सपाट और खराब होता है, पीले रंग का पीला भूरा होता है जिसमें काले रंग का थोड़ा निशान होता है।)
more sentence
- The land was flat, giving no scope for defence.
- How much do you charge to fix a flat tire?
- It used to be thought that the earth was flat.
- Would you have time to fix this flat tire now?
- I was flat on my back for a week with a terrible cold.
- Is there someplace around here that can fix a flat tire?
- The land was flat, giving no scope for defence.
- It wasn't a question, but a flat statement.
- I got a flat tire.
- I’m 27, have a nice flat, a good job and I’m not unattractive.
- we don’t have flat land in this region.
- I invited him back to my flat for a coffee.
- Thora bustled about the flat, getting everything ready.
- The ventral surface forms a flat creeping "foot," and between mantle and foot is a pallial groove in which there is on each side a series of gills.
- The remainder of the country is flat, and shows a regular downward slope from south-east to north-west, in which direction the rivers mainly flow.
- Our bus won’t start because the battery is flat.
- They just walked off and left me flat.
- He dampened his hair to make it lie flat.
- It's not half bad, your new flat.
- They're renting a furnished flat on the third floor