addictive - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of addictive in Hindi

  • नशे की लत

addictive Definition

  • (of a substance, thing, or activity) causing or likely to cause someone to become addicted to it. ( (किसी पदार्थ, चीज या गतिविधि का) किसी को इसका आदी होने का कारण या संभावना। )

addictive Example

  • An addictive personality, he is now off the drugs, though he still drinks a bit. ( एक नशे की लत व्यक्तित्व, वह अब दवाओं से दूर है, हालांकि वह अभी भी थोड़ा पीता है। )
  • His team are using fruit flies to study the genetics of cocaine and other addictive drugs. ( उनकी टीम कोकीन और अन्य नशीली दवाओं के आनुवांशिकी का अध्ययन करने के लिए फल मक्खियों का उपयोग कर रही है। )
  • Many patients to whom it will be given will have addictive personalities. ( कई रोगियों को, जिन्हें यह दिया जाएगा, नशे की लत व्यक्तित्व होगा। )
  • Jack, on the other hand, is an addictive optimist. ( दूसरी ओर, जैक एक नशे की लत आशावादी है। )

More Sentence

  • We got immediate feedback from the crowd (always positive), and that got pretty addictive !
  • For many mildly (or not so mildly) addictive modern commodities, the attraction is itself dangerous.
  • Fonts are fun, but they can also be addictive .
  • Let us assume that you have decided, at least for the time being, to stop or cut back your addictive behavior.
  • As anyone who has experienced addiction will tell you, changing addictive behavior is not an easy thing to do.
  • She was told that both drugs are addictive and will no longer be prescribed for her.
  • Caffeine is addictive and hooks you in the same way as amphetamines, cocaine and heroin.
  • I can tell you, caramelised onions are addictive , especially with goat's cheese on olive and walnut bread.
  • Others ascribe continued support to widespread ignorance of the addictive mentality.
  • As with any addictive substance, there is a reason we get hooked on caffeine in the first place.
  • Tobacco is one of the most addictive drugs available and by far the deadliest overall.
  • The sensory overload is powerful and like most powerful things it is attractive, intoxicating, addictive , and dangerous.
  • Appetite suppressants should be totally avoided because they are addictive .
  • Lovers come and go, often as far as the altar, but there is little indication of an addictive womaniser.
  • She was one of those people with an inner fire - an unquenchable energy which gave her a highly addictive personality.
  • And for a man who confesses to having an addictive personality, his main vice is now mostly confined to words.
  • Politics is addictive .
  • This was a show that was original, unique, instantly addictive .
  • My main concern is the fact that some of these young ones are forced into illegal drug activity by addictive parents.
  • When drunk frequently or in large quantities, alcohol is addictive .
  • It is an eating disorder characterized by obsessive and addictive traits relating to specific foods/food groups.
  • Pushing the limits of your personal bests will be addicting !
  • The screen has missed Streep, who has given addictively moving performances in several classics, and many highly watchable portrayals in otherwise average films.
  • And in winter, should you not be initiated in the mysterious rites of ski or snowboard, you might be able to slide down on a toboggan - utterly terrifying, yes, but addictively so.
  • They were all addictive people .
  • I cannot say enough good things about this short, addicting series.