arbitrate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of arbitrate in Hindi

  • पंचायत करना
  • पंच-निर्णय करना
  • विवाचन करना

arbitrate Definition

  • (of an independent person or body) reach an authoritative judgment or settlement. ( (एक स्वतंत्र व्यक्ति या निकाय के) एक आधिकारिक निर्णय या निपटान तक पहुँचते हैं। )

arbitrate Example

  • The rational behind Weber is that were parties have a collective agreement and an arbitration provision, they should arbitrate their disputes and not utilize the court process. ( वेबर के पीछे तर्क यह है कि पार्टियों का एक सामूहिक समझौता और मध्यस्थता का प्रावधान है, उन्हें अपने विवादों को मध्यस्थ करना चाहिए और अदालत की प्रक्रिया का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहिए। )
  • The court was given extensive powers to prevent strikes, arbitrate and enforce settlement of industrial disputes. ( औद्योगिक विवादों को रोकने, मध्यस्थता करने और उन्हें लागू करने के लिए अदालत को व्यापक अधिकार दिए गए थे। )
  • In 1679 the Royal Society sent Halley to Danzig to arbitrate in a dispute between Hooke and Hevelius. ( 1679 में रॉयल सोसाइटी ने हाली और हवेलियस के बीच विवाद में मध्यस्थता के लिए हैली को डैनजिग भेजा। )
  • It states that you do not arbitrate but, rather, the public does. ( यह बताता है कि आप मध्यस्थता नहीं करते हैं, बल्कि, जनता करती है। )
  • Firstly he legislated to restrict the Commission's power to arbitrate and, in doing so, its capacity to conciliate. ( सबसे पहले उन्होंने मध्यस्थता करने के लिए आयोग की शक्ति को प्रतिबंधित करने के लिए और ऐसा करने की अपनी क्षमता को सीमित करने के लिए कानून बनाया। )
  • The contesting parties choose the judges who will arbitrate , choose which issues and legal principles are to apply and also decide whether the public has any access to the proceedings. ( चुनाव लड़ने वाली पार्टियां न्यायाधीशों को चुनती हैं जो मध्यस्थता करेंगे, यह चुनें कि कौन से मुद्दे और कानूनी सिद्धांत लागू करने हैं और यह भी तय करें कि जनता के पास कार्यवाही के लिए कोई पहुंच है या नहीं। )
  • The Commission is empowered to arbitrate on the issues contained in the matter. ( आयोग को इस मामले में निहित मुद्दों पर मध्यस्थता करने का अधिकार है। )
  • The result has been a huge number of cases, with resulting financial benefits for the four companies allowed to arbitrate in such disputes. ( इस तरह के विवादों में मध्यस्थता की अनुमति दी गई चार कंपनियों के परिणामस्वरूप वित्तीय लाभ के साथ, परिणाम बड़ी संख्या में मामले रहे हैं। )
  • He warned the council in an address yesterday afternoon not to attempt to arbitrate on the matter as it was only the courts that could interpret the law. ( उन्होंने कल दोपहर एक संबोधन में परिषद को चेतावनी दी कि वे इस मामले पर मध्यस्थता का प्रयास न करें क्योंकि यह केवल अदालतें थीं जो कानून की व्याख्या कर सकती थीं। )

More Sentence

  • It further said the code of conduct ensured that an aggrieved party could go to the ombudsman who would arbitrate .
  • Pending the establishment of judicial procedures to hear labor and administrative disputes, the regulation says the commission can arbitrate in such cases.
  • On his journey north to arbitrate in this dispute, Henry had a remarkable and memorable encounter.
  • it set up a commission to arbitrate border tensions
  • the board has the power to arbitrate in disputes
  • Sometimes I am called upon to arbitrate in disputes between members and the House.
  • As he grew up, he became known for his truthfulness, generosity and sincerity, so that he was sought after for his ability to arbitrate in disputes.
  • Well, we know that the Workplace Relations Act explicitly excludes ‘training’ as a matter upon which the commission may arbitrate .
  • Senior monks serve as guidance counsellors, and advise and arbitrate in local disputes.
  • The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration has been called in to arbitrate on the dispute.
  • In Britain judges arbitrated on the fate of the convicted during the trial and used their powers of mercy to demonstrate the majesty of the law to a wider populace.
  • In such a case, legislation would be sent to the Expediency Council - another conservative body that arbitrates between the Parliament and the Guardian Council - for a final decision.
  • Who decides, who arbitrates , whether what was said or done was right?