exit - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of exit in Hindi

  • बाहर जाएं


  • निकास
  • निर्गम
  • प्रस्थान
  • बहिर्गमन द्वार
  • निकास द्वार
  • बाहर जाने का मार्ग
  • प्रस्थान द्वार


  • बाहर जाना
  • निकालना

exit Definition


  • a way out, especially of a public building, room, or passenger vehicle.
  • an act of going out of or leaving a place.


  • go out of or leave a place.

exit Example

  • an emergency exit ( एक आपातकालीन निकास )
  • this key enables you to temporarily exit from a LIFESPAN option ( यह कुंजी आपको LIFESPAN विकल्प से अस्थायी रूप से बाहर निकलने में सक्षम बनाती है )
  • elephants enter and exit the forest on narrow paths ( हाथी संकरे रास्तों से जंगल में प्रवेश करते हैं और बाहर निकलते हैं )
  • exit Pamela ( पामेला से बाहर निकलें )
  • he pulled off at an exit and stopped his Mercedes-Benz ( उसने बाहर निकलने पर खींच लिया और अपनी मर्सिडीज-बेंज को रोक दिया )

More Sentence

  • Please exit by the rear doors of the bus.
  • The young boy picked up his bag and walked towards the exit.
  • There is a fire exit next to the men's washroom.
  • To get to the university, take the McKenzie Street exit off of Highway 1.
  • We missed our exit and had to drive about five miles out of our way.
  • The party was really boring, so we made a quick exit and went to the pub.
  • Russia's sudden exit from the tournament has shocked hockey fans all over the country.
  • Two bodies were found near the emergency exit.
  • The singers made their exit from the stage to the cheers of the excited crowd.
  • Four teenagers were crushed to death near the emergency exit of a downtown establishment when a fire broke out in a crowded nightclub.
  • The bullet hit him in the chest and exited out his back.
  • If we have to make a quick exit, we'll just slip out the back door.
  • Children threw flowers before the wedding couple as they exited the church.
  • The band members exited by the back door so that they wouldn't have to deal with all the waiting fans.
  • We tried to get out, but the exit was blocked.
  • A Vietnamese proverb notes, Enter alcohol, exit words.
  • Shakespeare wrote, All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts.
  • Mexican artist Frida Kahlo's last words in her diary were I hope the exit is joyful - and I hope never to come back.
  • Alexandre Dumas observed that pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together; at the door where the latter enters, the former makes its exit.
  • organizations that do not have freedom to exit from unprofitable markets
  • Australia's early exit from the World Cup
  • she slipped out by the rear exit
  • the brief soliloquy following Clarence's exit
  • he made a hasty exit from the room
  • declarer must cash his top spades and exit with ♦2