batter - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of batter in Hindi
- बैटर
- बल्लेबाज
- चोट देनेवाला
- मारनेवाला
- चोट लगाना
- मारना
batter Definition
- (of a wall) have a receding slope. ( (एक दीवार का) एक आवर्ती ढलान है। )
- strike repeatedly with hard blows; pound heavily and insistently. ( कड़ी चोटों के साथ बार-बार हड़ताल; जोर से और जोर से पौंड। )
- a semiliquid mixture of flour, egg, and milk or water used in cooking, especially for making cakes or for coating food before frying. ( खाना पकाने में इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला आटा, अंडा और दूध या पानी का एक अर्ध-मिश्रण, खासकर केक बनाने के लिए या तलने से पहले खाना पकाने के लिए। )
- a damaged area of metal type or a printing block. ( धातु प्रकार या प्रिंटिंग ब्लॉक का क्षतिग्रस्त क्षेत्र। )
- (in various sports, especially baseball) a player who is batting. ( (विभिन्न खेलों में, विशेष रूप से बेसबॉल) एक खिलाड़ी जो बल्लेबाजी कर रहा है। )
- a gradual backward slope in a wall or similar structure. ( एक दीवार या समान संरचना में एक क्रमिक पिछड़ा ढलान। )
batter Example
- In its simplest form this is a flour and water batter , providing food and moisture for the yeast spores which the baker hopes are present. ( अपने सरलतम रूप में यह एक आटा और पानी का घोल है, जो खमीर बीजाणुओं के लिए भोजन और नमी प्रदान करता है, जो कि बेकर की आशाएं मौजूद हैं। )
- The defensive wall was of fine ashlar masonry with a pronounced batter . ( डिफेंसिव वॉल एक स्पष्ट बल्लेबाज के साथ ठीक ऐश्लर चिनाई की थी। )
- This printing has a cancel title-page dated 1912 instead of 1911, and is the first English printing to incorporate several text corrections as described by Garrison, but is otherwise identical to the Scribners issues of 1911, and shows the expected type batter in "wearily" on p. 135, line 21. ( इस मुद्रण का 1911 के बजाय 1912 का एक रद्द शीर्षक पृष्ठ है, और गैरीसन द्वारा वर्णित कई पाठ सुधारों को शामिल करने वाला पहला अंग्रेजी मुद्रण है, लेकिन अन्यथा 1911 के स्क्रिपर के मुद्दों के समान है, और "थकावट" में अपेक्षित बल्लेबाज दिखाता है " पी पर। 135, पंक्ति 21। )
- In baseball, a batter can expect to get as many as four or five chances to hit in a single game: he only needs to take one of these for the hitting streak to continue. ( बेसबॉल में, एक बल्लेबाज को एक ही खेल में हिट करने के लिए चार या पांच के रूप में कई संभावनाएं मिल सकती हैं: उसे मारने की लकीर को जारी रखने के लिए केवल इनमें से एक को लेने की जरूरत है। )
- I thought that using pancake batter would be a good substitute for ‘pastry dough,’ but boy oh boy was I wrong. ( मैंने सोचा था कि पैनकेक बैटर का उपयोग करना dough पेस्ट्री आटा के लिए एक अच्छा विकल्प होगा, लेकिन लड़का ओह लड़का मैं गलत था। )
- I'm sure we could live on canned green beans, water, and pancake batter for the rest of our lives, but it isn't a good policy. ( मुझे यकीन है कि हम अपने जीवन के बाकी हिस्सों के लिए डिब्बाबंद हरी बीन्स, पानी और पैनकेक बल्लेबाज पर रह सकते हैं, लेकिन यह एक अच्छी नीति नहीं है। )
- He began impressively, striking out his first batter with a fastball that got up to 98 mph. ( उन्होंने प्रभावशाली ढंग से शुरू किया, एक फास्टबॉल के साथ अपनी पहली बल्लेबाज़ी की, जो 98 मील प्रति घंटे की रफ्तार से बढ़ी। )
- He concluded that on-base percentage was a better way to quantify a batter 's success than batting average. ( उन्होंने निष्कर्ष निकाला कि बल्लेबाजी औसत की तुलना में बल्लेबाजों की सफलता को निर्धारित करने के लिए ऑन-बेस प्रतिशत एक बेहतर तरीका था। )
More Sentence
- the batter is an inch in for every foot of height
- She did not hear him come in as she stirred batter to make pancakes.
- He frowned, turning to her, the spatula in his hands dripping small amounts of pancake batter .
- When there are uncorrected printer's errors, or errors that can be attributed to type batter , we have silently corrected them, primarily so that they do not impede electronic searches of our transcribed texts.
- If I tossed a ball in the air when I was in the bullpen, it signaled a fastball for the batter .
- a batter thin enough to be poured
- Conversely, husbands who were having extramarital affairs also tended to batter their wives.
- The next batter , Adam Shorts, popped a foul ball down the first base line.
- No different than a pitcher in baseball, when a batter comes up he's got his notebook about what kind of pitch this guy likes to hit and what kind of pitch he doesn't like to hit.
- The last thing that such oily flesh requires is a coating of batter .
- With a runner on third base and less than two outs, the batter hits a fly ball to the outfield.
- Batter should have consistency of thin pancake batter .
- When mixed, it should be the consistency of pancake batter .
- The pancake batter is the nice homely type we all know and love.
- pancake batter
- Blows batter him from all sides, and something pierces him deeply just above the hip.
- Like the readings which are defective in all examined copies but were apparently correct at one time, some of these variants may be attributed to type batter .
- He was a first baseman and a left-handed batter and I admired the way he played.
- They can be constructed of single or multiple depths of block and the maximum wall height of a single depth wall is directly proportional to its weight, width, batter , soil condition, and site geometry.
- I sighed and Sara just went on stirring her pancake batter .
- Though I'd have to make sure I killed him with the first blow, because he'd batter me senseless if he got a chance to retaliate.
- The simplest way to make pancakes is still a favourite - a basic pancake batter made with three ingredients flour, eggs and milk.