collocate - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of collocate in Hindi
- लगाना
- एक साथ रखना
- सँजोना
collocate Definition
- (of a word) be habitually juxtaposed with another with a frequency greater than chance.
- place side by side or in a particular relation.
- a word that is habitually juxtaposed with another with a frequency greater than chance.
collocate Example
- It is important collocate the wheat rationally. ( यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि गेहूं को तर्कसंगत रूप से ढोया जाए। )
- Some prepositions can only collocate with the stative passive. ( कुछ प्रस्ताव केवल धनात्मक निष्क्रिय से टकरा सकते हैं। )
- The product collocate with webcams, so that, user can record their action, and communicate with friends and teacher by the real-time image. ( उत्पाद वेबकैम से टकराता है, जिससे उपयोगकर्ता अपनी कार्रवाई रिकॉर्ड कर सकता है, और वास्तविक समय की छवि द्वारा दोस्तों और शिक्षक के साथ संवाद कर सकता है। )
- Open the collocation function by clicking on the collocation function by clicking on the Collocations icon or by choosing [Collocation] from the [Query] menu. ( Collocations आइकन पर क्लिक करके या [क्वेरी] मेनू से [Collocation] का चयन करके कॉलेक्शन फ़ंक्शन पर क्लिक करके कॉलेक्शन फ़ंक्शन खोलें। )
More Sentence
- I can only comment, due to my recent arrival, on the paper flow system post collocation.
- Enigmatic’ collocates with ‘smile’.
- ‘Bitter’ and ‘tears’ are collocates.
- ‘Weak’ and ‘tea’ collocate.
- “Detached” collocates with “house”.
- Goverment officers make a price of and collocate the social resource. There are no reflections from and participation of the public in administration[], either.
- The product collocate with webcams, so that, user can record their action, and communicate with friends and teacher by the real-time image.
- Such employment also makes it easy to collocate with other high-end computer peripherals and boost up the overall performance of the computer system as well as extending the system life.
- Market is the best efficient mechanism to collocate knowledge resource.
- It is important collocate the wheat rationally.
- This seminar starts from a purely quantitative concept of lexical collocation.
- Such employment also makes it easy to collocate with other high-end computer peripherals and boost up the overall performance of the computer system as well as extending the system life.
- Market is the best efficient mechanism to collocate knowledge resource.
- The words'glad'and'person'do not collocate.
- Put a fried chicken on the rice and collocate various side dishes.
- The studies mentioned above are significant to collocate asset portfolios and prevent financial risks.
- This assembly can collocate with any automatic machine and any terminal crimping machine, offers a broad choice of collocation.
- Collocate the precision metric gear, make adhesive further more even to produce the adhesive.
- Some prepositions, not only can collocate with the action al passive, but also with the stative passive.
- It can use single or collocate with other machines and efficiently.
- Entering WTO also would enlarge the extend quotient in international market, redound resource availability collocate.
- Function efficiency reflects the degree of stock market to collocate society capital.
- The fifth chapter a few of rationalization proposals are put forward to collocate QFII policy.
- find collocations To find collocations of a word, you first make a search for that word and then use the collocation function.
- Selecting the Collocation command from the Query menu opens the collocation command from the Query menu opens the Collocation dialog box.
- collocation methods.
- collocation scheme using uniform norms that compare values of field variables at two successive mesh iterations.
- Moreover, free capital flow is the most essential for capital collocate and the prerequisite to resolve financing obstruction of non state owed enterprise.
- Different from native speakers, Chinese learners use more generic nouns to collocate with demonstratives that add little information.