rodents - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of rodents in Hindi
- मूषक
- कृंतक
- चूहा, गिलहरी आदि कतरने वाले जानवर
rodents Definition
a gnawing mammal of an order that includes rats, mice, squirrels, hamsters, porcupines, and their relatives, distinguished by strong constantly growing incisors and no canine teeth. They constitute the largest order of mammals. ( कुतरने वाला स्तनपायी जिसमें चूहे, चूहे, गिलहरी, हैम्स्टर, साही और उनके रिश्तेदार जैसे गुण शामिल हैं, जो लगातार बढ़ते हुए incenders और canine दांतों द्वारा प्रतिष्ठित होते हैं। वे स्तनधारियों के सबसे बड़े क्रम का गठन करते हैं। )
rodents Example
- Additionally, rodents like gophers may chew on the tapes and leaks can be difficult to repair since they require digging the tapes out. ( इसके अतिरिक्त, गॉफ़र्स जैसे कृन्तकों को टेपों पर चबाया जा सकता है और लीक को ठीक करना मुश्किल हो सकता है क्योंकि उन्हें टेपों को खोदने की आवश्यकता होती है। )
- Using a standardized checklist, the vets will be looking for practices that would prevent the herd's exposure to infected rodents or wildlife, such as raccoons or foxes, or to raw garbage. ( एक मानकीकृत चेकलिस्ट का उपयोग करते हुए, वेट्स उन प्रथाओं की तलाश में होंगे जो संक्रमित कृंतकों या वन्यजीवों, जैसे कि रैकून या लोमड़ियों, या कच्चे कचरे के लिए झुंड के संपर्क को रोकेंगे। )
- However, the second cell must be maintained to keep weeds from growing or rodents from burrowing and potentially damaging the liner. ( हालाँकि, दूसरी कोशिका को खरपतवार उगने या कृन्तकों से खरपतवार रखने और संभवतः लाइनर को नुकसान पहुंचाने के लिए बनाए रखा जाना चाहिए। )
- He tells the concierge M. Michel about the rat, but the concierge refuses to believe that there are rodents in his building. ( वह दरबान एम. मिशेल को चूहे के बारे में बताता है, लेकिन दरबान ने यह मानने से इनकार कर दिया कि उसकी इमारत में कृंतक हैं। )
More Sentence
- Clean around the bins too, removing high grass, weeds, spilled grain, and debris that attracts insects, rodents , woodchucks and other undesirable wildlife.
- All electric components should be sealed to prevent bugs, dust or rodents from damaging components, which could lead to system failure or personal injury.
- Meat, bones, grease, whole eggs, and dairy products should not be added because they can attract rodents .
- Gophers are rodents and have large incisors, like squirrels and mice, that are used for gnawing.
- In the dark oil Rats, the rodents swarm in a mass around the corner of a windowless red-brick building, perhaps a factory.
- ‘In dairy plants, the biggest issue is flies and the next is rodents ,’ he says.
- He shrugs off any discomfort of sharing space with rodents and other wildlife that live in the thatched canopies.
- Voles are small, mouselike rodents that exist throughout Nebraska.
- She discovered, however, that the stored candy attracted the interest of insects and rodents .
- The longer a seedling takes to emerge, the greater the possibility of stand loss to crusting, disease, insects, and rodents .
- It also may provide protected chewing access for small rodents and other animals, which can severely injure the bark and cambium.
- The lines are covered with crushed gravel and have eliminated flooding while also deterring tunneling rodents and preventing grass from growing into the houses.
- RB51 did not cause visible signs of disease in birds, rodents , or other wild species.
- Biosolids for land application must pass standards for pathogen levels, concentrations of polluting metals, and for attracting flies, rodents and other disease carriers.
- To control rodents our region is rich in natural predators, by that I mean rattlesnakes.
- The phenomenon had been found in rodents , but not in swine.