cuckoo - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cuckoo in Hindi

  • कोयल
  • सारंग
  • कोकिला

cuckoo Definition


  • a medium-sized long-tailed bird, typically with a gray or brown back and barred or pale underparts. Many cuckoos lay their eggs in the nests of small songbirds.
  • a mad person.


  • mad; crazy.

cuckoo Example

  • people think you're cuckoo ( लोग आपको कोयल समझते हैं )
  • The Texas screech-owl, the Texas woodpecker, and the road runner, or ground cuckoo, are found mostly in southern and south-western Texas. ( टेक्सास स्क्रीच-उल्लू, टेक्सास कठफोड़वा, और रोड रनर, या ग्राउंड कोयल, ज्यादातर दक्षिणी और दक्षिण-पश्चिमी टेक्सास में पाए जाते हैं। )
  • Reader, is there anything of the cuckoo and the sparrow in the above assertion? ( पाठक, क्या उपरोक्त कथन में कोयल और गौरैया के बारे में कुछ है? )
  • A cuckoo across the valley called with the insistence of one who will be answered. ( घाटी भर में एक कोयल ने उत्तर देने वाले के आग्रह के साथ बुलाया। )
  • Happily the cuckoo is rarely heard breaking the silence of the seas so far west. ( खुशी की बात है कि कोयल अब तक पश्चिम के समुद्रों का सन्नाटा तोड़ते हुए कम ही सुनाई देती है। )

More Sentence

  • The, cuckoo that stays out later than the other cuckoos is the triumphant survivor.
  • It is considered to be unlucky to hear the cuckoo for the first time without coin in the pocket.
  • A cuckoo clock called the hour, and the girls reluctantly agreed that it was time to go.
  • It is interesting to see the cuckoo fly by several times a day with a big green worm in its beak.
  • I heard of a cuckoo that dispossessed a robin of its nest; of another that set a blue jay adrift.
  • I shall learn with fresh astonishment that it is the male, and not the female, cuckoo that sings.
  • Traditional cuckoo clocks are highly ornate.
  • A variety of the cuckoo called hototogisu (Cuculus poliocephalus) in imitation of the sound of its voice, is heard as an accompaniment of the uguisu, and there are also three other species, the kakkodori (Cuculus canorus), the Isutsu-dori (C. himalayanus), and the masuhakari, orju-ichi (C. hyperythrus).
  • The eggs are laid in the nests of various bees and wasps, the chrysid larva living as a " cuckoo " parasite.
  • Noteworthy in the animal life of the lower Sonoran and tropic region are a variety of snakes and lizards, desert rats and mice; and, among birds, the cactus wren, desert thrasher, desert sparrow, Texas night-hawk, mocking-bird and ground cuckoo or road runner (Geococcyx Californianus).
  • Twice she uttered her usual cuckoo.
  • Come on, you never know with cuckoo.
  • Beyond the stream was heard the cuckoo.
  • The cuckoo bird is believed to be crazy.
  • Cuckoo Clocks had nothing on me at that time.
  • Muller, Adolph, on the instincts of the cuckoo.
  • Gave me a fucking cuckoo clock to remember them by.
  • No, Einstein, she said That’s an actual cuckoo.
  • The cuckoo is a bird that the Europeans consider to be crazy.
  • Perhaps, she drove her husband cuckoo with her incessant talk.
  • Birds include the ostrich, great kori bustard, the eagle, vulture, hawk and crane, francolin, golden cuckoo, bootie, scarlet and yellow finches, kingfishers, parrots (in the eastern regions), pelicans and flamingoes.
  • Another species of this group, the black cuckoo of India, apparently mimics the black drongo-shrike (Dicrurus ater), the resemblance between the two species being very close.
  • The cuckoo was also sacred to Hera, who, according to the Argive legend, was wooed by Zeus in the form of the bird.
  • ACORUS CALAMUS, sweet-sedge or sweet-flag, a plant of the natural order Araceae, which shares with the Cuckoo Pint (Arum) the representation in Britain of that order of Monocotyledons.
  • Among the birds of the island are the eagle, hawk, petrel, owl, finch, peewit, diamond bird, fire-tail, robin, emu-wren, crow, swallow, magpie, blackcap, goatsucker, quail, ground dove, parrot, lark, mountain thrush, cuckoo, wattlebird, whistling duck, honeybird, Cape Barren goose, penguin duck, waterhen, snipe, albatross and laughing jackass.