contagion - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of contagion in Hindi
- छूत
- रोग-संचार
- संसर्ग
contagion Definition
the communication of disease from one person to another by close contact. ( निकट संपर्क द्वारा एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति में रोग का संचार। )
contagion Example
- Done properly, quarantine could often halt further contagion . ( ठीक से किया, संगरोध अक्सर आगे छूत को रोक सकता है। )
- Disease surveillance should be increased during floods, and information should be disseminated rapidly to dispel false rumours of contagion or outbreaks. ( बाढ़ के दौरान रोग की निगरानी बढ़ाई जानी चाहिए, और छूत या प्रकोप की झूठी अफवाहों को दूर करने के लिए सूचना का तेजी से प्रसार किया जाना चाहिए।ब्रिटेन के निम्न देश ग्राहक राज्यों पर determ आत्मनिर्णय ’की फ्रांसीसी धारणाओं और विचारों की छूत के प्रभाव से सरकार दो चीजों से ऊपर उठ गई थी। )
- The government was alarmed by two things above all - the impact of French notions of ‘self-determination’ on Britain's Low Country client states, and the contagion of ideas. ( ब्रिटेन के निम्न देश ग्राहक राज्यों पर determ आत्मनिर्णय ’की फ्रांसीसी धारणाओं और विचारों की छूत के प्रभाव से सरकार दो चीजों से ऊपर उठ गई थी। )
- Then, in 1998, came the Russian default - and with it, fear that the contagion would spread, and economy after economy would fall ill and roll over dead. ( फिर, 1998 में, रूसी डिफ़ॉल्ट आया - और इसके साथ, डर था कि छूत फैल जाएगी, और अर्थव्यवस्था के बाद अर्थव्यवस्था बीमार हो जाएगी और मृत पर रोल करेगी। )
- But word about the product didn't spread by contagion alone. ( लेकिन उत्पाद के बारे में शब्द केवल छूत से नहीं फैलता था। )
- The problem was not physical contagion which the word disease brings to mind. ( समस्या शारीरिक संक्रामक नहीं थी जो शब्द बीमारी को ध्यान में रखती है। )
More Sentence
- The text weaves between the two time frames, the past and the future, and in both people are dying of a mysterious contagion .
- The circulating nurse calls the attending pathologist and informs him or her of the possible contagion .
- The military historically follows standard civilian practice regarding contagion , diagnosis, and treatment.
- Hugh, one of the great worries is contagion and disease that follows something like this if the water supply is not adequate.
- By the 1690s, Spinoza's ideas could be found in all the bookshops, and even polemics against him served only to spread the intellectual contagion .
- But infection or contagion of the air could be caused by people too.
- Not everyone in a city with a smallpox contagion is going to catch it, so the overall mortality for a population center would be less than that.
- Could these be manipulated to reduce contagion ?
- These documents give us our first clear understanding of how the tobacco contagion works.
- However, stigma is much more than fear of contagion ; it is also a tool used by cultures to exclude those felt to have broken extant rules.
- This contagion was spreading at an alarming rate, thanks also to the society's growing yet harmful indifference.
- When dark imaginations seek images that speak to fear of contagion and plague, rats scurrying out of garbage piles and sewer holes supply a metaphor for humans.
- I heard that they spread their contagion through scratches made by their claws.
- All laws of quarantine have their origin and basis in the concept of disease transmission by contagion .
- Indeed, the contagion is spreading across this country.
- To cut down on crowds possibly spreading contagion , all the ice rinks, along with most other facilities, were temporarily closed.
- These products keep the birds alive, even if they have the virus, which raises the risks of contagion when they are sold or transported.
- a political fear, a contagion that spread from city to city
- The sick and wounded avoid infecting each other and those who are well escape contagion .
- Meanwhile the trade ship requested the bodies of the colonists, and upon being told they had burned the settlement to prevent spread of the contagion , could do nothing further in the system so moved on.
- The local daily never having printed the word, the contagion was spread almost exclusively among the hospital staff, in whom the disease lay latent for the month of July.
- This became even clearer in 1998 as the financial contagion spread throughout the emerging world.
- He would, he said, ‘abandon his best friends and join with his worst enemies,’ to prevent the contagion of French ideas spreading to Britain.
- To talk about an epidemic of obesity is like talking about a plague of inactivity or a contagion of overeating.