quarantine - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of quarantine in Hindi

  • कोरांटीन
  • संगरोध
  • क्वारंटाइन


  • कोरांटीन
  • अस्पताल का अलग कमरा


  • अलग करना
  • पृथक करना

quarantine Definition


impose isolation on (a person, animal, or place); put in quarantine. ( पर अलगाव (एक व्यक्ति, जानवर, या जगह); संगरोध में डाल दिया। )


a state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed. ( एक स्थिति, अवधि, या अलगाव का स्थान जिसमें लोग या जानवर रखने की जगह जो कहीं और से आए हैं या संक्रामक या संक्रामक बीमारी के संपर्क में हैं। )

quarantine Example

  • The chicks will arrive on Salisbury Plain on June 23 and spend a month in quarantine before moving to a large enclosure. ( चिक्स 23 जून को सैलिसबरी मैदान में आएंगे और एक बड़े बाड़े में जाने से पहले एक महीने में संगरोध में बिताएंगे। )
  • Hundreds of immigrants, mostly English and some Irish, died on the island while in quarantine . ( सैकड़ों आप्रवासी, ज्यादातर अंग्रेजी और कुछ आयरिश, संगरोध में द्वीप पर मर गए। )
  • Isabel and the two older boys also succumbed to diphtheria and were in quarantine for a month. ( इसाबेल और दो बड़े लड़के भी डिप्थीरिया के शिकार हो गए और एक महीने तक संगरोध में रहे। )
  • When the birds finally arrive in England, they will spend 28 days in quarantine , before moving to a large pen with soft sides. ( जब पक्षी अंततः इंग्लैंड पहुंचते हैं, तो वे 28 दिनों तक संगरोध में बिताएंगे, इससे पहले कि वे नरम पक्षों के साथ एक बड़े पेन में जा सकें। )
  • Like their hosts, the plant pathogens are also of foreign origin and are thus kept in quarantine . ( उनके मेजबानों की तरह, पौधे के रोगजन भी विदेशी मूल के हैं और इस प्रकार उन्हें संगरोध में रखा जाता है। )

More Sentence

  • The puppy was flown to Austria and then transported to Holland where another breeder was employed to care for him for six months, while he was in quarantine .
  • The first beavers could arrive in Britain by autumn and would be released after six months in quarantine .
  • Patients are considered contagious and should remain in quarantine until all scabs separate.
  • The five who are expected to go home to Hong Kong will be placed in quarantine for 10 days on their return.
  • The English are very strict on their anti-rabies regulations and sometimes keep animals in quarantine for six months.
  • As the period for keeping them in quarantine was over, they were shifted to the exhibit area.
  • many animals die in quarantine
  • For nearly one hundred years, bringing a pet into Britain involved a six month period in quarantine .
  • they had to quarantine infected households
  • The whole family was put in quarantine for a month but soon after she had recovered from one disease Julia was struck down with another, namely rheumatic fever.
  • Paul is due to return to his family in Preston later this week but Elliot will remain in quarantine for six months before he is allowed to come home.
  • Some 4,000 cattle in two herds remain in quarantine because of the concerns about mad cow disease.
  • Buster had to spend six months in quarantine on his return from Iraq.
  • The tiger was in quarantine while surgeons undertook emergency surgery on its owner.
  • Was she in quarantine to protect most of her immediate family from the disease that was about to end her life?
  • They'll study them in quarantine to determine their efficacy and safety.
  • I quarantine all new fish for one month
  • After the transplant she had to spend six months in quarantine to avoid catching an infection while her immune system recovered, but now she is fit and well.
  • In this situation, Ponter actually does get sick and almost dies and all those who made contact with him are quarantined .
  • Because the aim, as I see it, will be for embassies to get all the ex-pats and tourists home before borders are closed to us and we are quarantined .
  • A day later the 500 bed Ditan Hospital, one of six in the city designated for SARS patients, was also quarantined .
  • He acknowledged to himself that he viewed Horatio as more than an officer when he was quarantined on that plague ship.
  • The building has been quarantined since the mail anthrax attack in October 2001.
  • In the old days the disease was terrible, but survivable: farms were quarantined and the animals nursed.
  • The Public Security Bureau will crack down on anyone who refuses to be quarantined or undergo medical observation.