dreamed - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dreamed in Hindi

  • सपना देखा

dreamed Definition


  • a series of events or pictures which happen in your mind while you are asleep

dreamed Example

  • She was everything he ever dreamed of. ( वह वह सब कुछ थी जिसका उसने कभी सपना देखा था। )
  • I dreamed about Annie all last night. ( मैंने पूरी रात एनी के बारे में सपना देखा। )
  • Every night she dreamed about him - about the way his voice sounded when her ear was on his chest. ( हर रात वह उसके बारे में सपना देखती थी - जिस तरह से उसकी आवाज सुनाई देती थी जब उसका कान उसकी छाती पर होता था। )

More Sentence

  • But it didn't, and even when she slept, she dreamed of him again.
  • All this he dreamed not.
  • Together they dreamed of it.
  • Often she had dreamed it.
  • Or had he dreamed it?
  • I never dreamed of there being such a quiet place in this noisy city.
  • The young boys dreamed of going on a daring adventure to find pirates' treasure.
  • When I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming a star like Seiko Matsuda.
  • I never dreamed of seeing you here.
  • Yet he had not dreamed at all.
  • I had not dreamed them!
  • Had he dreamed it all.
  • When I was dreaming, I knew I had dreamed it before, but when I woke up, I couldn't remember what it was about.