captcha - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of captcha in Hindi

  • कैप्चा

captcha Definition

a program or system intended to distinguish human from machine input, typically as a way of thwarting spam and automated extraction of data from websites.

captcha Example

  • I guess the spammers tools are too simplistic to even attempt to break the captcha .
  • Every time you edit a page, you have to pass a captcha .
  • The spammers are thinking up ever more ingenious ways to break the captchas .
  • Their technology provides overrides for false hits on open proxies via CAPTCHA .
  • I can "solve" most CAPTCHAs in a few seconds.
  • An estimated 6 million Captchas are completed each day, costing users 10 seconds each, wasting an overwhelming number of labor hours.
  • You could always add a CAPTCHA to the comments submission system.
  • The website employs captchas , where you guess, then type, the correct series of letters into a textbox for authentication purposes.
  • Most Captcha programs apply mathematical transformations to their images which can potentially be reversed, thus allowing spammers to crack the Captcha .
  • Keep in mind, Captchas can most likely easily keep ahead of the state of AI for many years to come.