cervical - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cervical in Hindi
- ग्रीवा
- डब का
- गरदन का
- ग्रीवा संबंधी
- गर्दन संबंधी
- ग्रैव
cervical Definition
- of or relating to the narrow necklike passage forming the lower end of the uterus. ( या गर्भाशय के निचले छोर को बनाने वाले संकीर्ण गर्दन के समान मार्ग से संबंधित है। )
- of or relating to the neck. ( या गर्दन से संबंधित। )
cervical Example
- Effective speech depends also on the motor neurons in the cervical and thoracic parts of the spinal cord that serve the muscles of breathing. ( प्रभावी भाषण रीढ़ की हड्डी के ग्रीवा और वक्ष भागों में मोटर न्यूरॉन्स पर भी निर्भर करता है जो सांस लेने की मांसपेशियों की सेवा करते हैं। )
- Over the next eight hours our oral symptoms slowly began to subside, but our cervical lymph nodes became very tender and easily palpable. ( अगले आठ घंटों में हमारे मौखिक लक्षण धीरे-धीरे कम होना शुरू हो गए, लेकिन हमारी ग्रीवा लिम्फ नोड्स बहुत कोमल और आसानी से पक्की हो गई। )
- It's believed that some forms of HPV put women at greater risk for cervical cancer. ( यह माना जाता है कि एचपीवी के कुछ रूपों ने महिलाओं को गर्भाशय ग्रीवा के कैंसर के लिए अधिक जोखिम में डाल दिया है। )
- cervical cancer ( ग्रीवा कैंसर )
More Sentence
- The optimal specimen for detecting C trachomatis is a combined urethral and cervical swab.
- This change in the cells of the cervix often occurs from cervical cap or diaphragm use or from infection.
- However, the range of motion for cervical rotation and lateral flexion increased more in the training groups than in the control group.
- Women who smoke are twice as likely as those who do not to develop cervical cancer.
- Most children requiring hospital admission for trauma are considered at risk of injury of the cervical spinal cord.
- The cervical region of the spinal cord was dissected out after laminectomy.
- The cervical portion of the uterus forms the most posterior portion seen here.