albeit - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of albeit in Hindi
- यद्यपि
- हालांकि
- तथापि
- अगरचे
albeit Definition
although. ( हालांकि। )
albeit Example
- It has all the hustle and bustle of a typical Gordon Brown day, albeit in unusual surroundings. ( यह असामान्य वातावरण में एक ठेठ गॉर्डन ब्राउन दिन की सभी हलचल है। )
- The area continued as a centre for music into the Seventies and beyond, albeit on a much smaller scale. ( यह क्षेत्र सत्तर और उससे आगे के संगीत के केंद्र के रूप में जारी रहा, यद्यपि यह बहुत छोटे पैमाने पर था। )
- Negotiation and mediation seems to be solving the Irish question albeit very slowly. ( बातचीत और मध्यस्थता आयरिश प्रश्न को बहुत धीरे-धीरे हल करती हुई प्रतीत होती है। )
- It was a no-turning-back speech, albeit spoken with an emotional catch in the throat. ( यह एक नो-बैक-बैक भाषण था, यद्यपि गले में एक भावनात्मक पकड़ के साथ बात की गई थी। )
More Sentence
- It was a clean-cut, agreeable dish albeit a touch bland for more adventurous palates.
- Throughout this year retail sales have shown a rise, albeit a declining one, on levels of a year ago.
- Back to the theme of homicide, albeit in a world rather more familiar than that of Minority Report.
- But if there are any pluses in this at least now people will hear the truth, albeit in a court of law.
- They were getting it, albeit slowly, but the results were mixed to say the least.
- Six famous women who, albeit unconsciously, gave us a classic of school literature.
- It's a concept album in that it tells a story - albeit with a rather lame twist at the end.
- he was making progress, albeit rather slowly
- The same trend applies, albeit to a less impressive extent, in the abbreviated format.
- We hear a song from our past and are transported back to a memory from long ago, albeit a good or a bad one.
- The report deluged him with criticism, albeit worded in the silky prose of a veteran mandarin.
- Sports news is one area where some improvement is needed, albeit really rather slight.
- The presence of live actors and real objects anchors you, albeit tenuously, in the world.
- He has done that in 14 years as a test cricketer, albeit subject to selectorial whims.
- It seems to have washed its face and opened its doors to the outside world - albeit with caution.
- To a very large extent the BBC is a government corporation albeit at a couple of steps removed.
- They can also guarantee a place in European competition next season, albeit the Uefa Cup.