butterfly - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of butterfly in Hindi

  • तितली

butterfly Definition


  • an insect with two pairs of large wings that are covered with tiny scales, usually brightly colored, and typically held erect when at rest. Butterflies fly by day, have clubbed or dilated antennae, and usually feed on nectar. ( बड़े पंखों वाले दो जोड़े जो छोटे तराजू से ढंके होते हैं, आमतौर पर चमकीले रंग के होते हैं, और आमतौर पर आराम करने पर खड़े रहते हैं। तितलियाँ दिन-ब-दिन उड़ती हैं, क्लब या पतला एंटीना लगाती हैं, और आमतौर पर अमृत पिलाती हैं। )


  • split (a piece of meat) almost in two and spread it out flat. ( विभाजित (मांस का एक टुकड़ा) लगभग दो में और फ्लैट बाहर फैल गया। )

butterfly Example

  • Two kicks give roughly the same distance as a full butterfly stroke. ( दो किक्स लगभग पूर्ण तितली स्ट्रोक के समान दूरी देते हैं। )
  • The other butterfly champs, Jedrejczak and Kammerling, finished second and third. ( दूसरे बटरफ्लाई चम्प्स, जेडरजेक और काम्मलिंग, दूसरे और तीसरे स्थान पर रहे। )
  • Jenny's freestyle refinements might not have happened if she had not been hungry to swim a better butterfly . ( जेनी की फ्रीस्टाइल रिफाइनमेंट्स नहीं हुई होती अगर उसे एक बेहतर तितली तैरने की भूख नहीं होती। )
  • To make butterfly , moth, or dragonfly wings, cut vellum into symmetrical curves. ( तितली, कीट या ड्रैगनफली पंख बनाने के लिए, वेल्लम को सममित वक्रों में काटें। )
  • This exercise also plays a vital role in swimming during stroke recovery in the freestyle, butterfly and backstroke. ( यह अभ्यास फ्रीस्टाइल, तितली और बैकस्ट्रोक में स्ट्रोक रिकवरी के दौरान तैराकी में भी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। )
  • Of course, the tiny, sparkly magenta butterfly clips in the man's hair still bothered Kyle a bit. ( बेशक, आदमी के बालों में छोटे, स्पार्कली मैजेंटा तितली क्लिप अभी भी काइल को थोड़ा परेशान करते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Even though I was a social butterfly for the most part, any time I didn't have anything to do, I would drink.
  • I not a social butterfly per se, but I like to go out.
  • The butterfly hair clip, however, lay with wings down on her dresser, as if mocking her resolve.
  • She shuddered slightly and I dug through the basket on the back of the toilet, pulling out a butterfly clip and pulling back her bangs with it before staring to braid the rest.
  • My brother's blue wide apart butterfly wing eyes, a lazy eye made them look wider, and curly eyelashes.
  • Reese predicts that the bulk of the team's points will come from middle distance freestyle, butterfly , backstroke and diving.
  • The box stated that it made 16 butterfly cakes, which are basically plain fairy cakes, with the top sliced off, filled with icing and then the top of the cake is halved and put back on to look like wings.
  • Her long, straight blond hair was piled messily on top of her head and twinkled with sparkly butterfly clips and hairpins.
  • All the bauhinias have two-lobed butterfly leaves.
  • She had jazzed up her short curls with butterfly clips.
  • Tiny scales cover the adult butterfly 's wings that aid them during these critical searches.
  • Back on the ground, we sat up straight and drew our feet together into a butterfly .
  • It started off like any other school year; Liz being a social butterfly , and me being totally silent around her other friends.
  • The real kicker for this cover is its silvery, holographic pattern of a butterfly 's wing as a background to the larger white silhouette.
  • When swimming the butterfly , the breathing pattern all depends on the hips.
  • When you stand and look down at the seed bed you see butterfly shapes strung along a black pipe, for the water has gently washed the ground into four linked circles at each irrigation point.
  • Performing drills that focus on breathing, timing and acceleration can help a swimmer grasp the finer points of swimming butterfly .
  • a social butterfly
  • In the open gala, Amy Clayden produced superb form to claim gold in the butterfly , backstroke and freestyle and a silver in the individual medley.
  • She then backed up to win a bronze medal behind the USA's Thompson in the 50m butterfly in a time of 26.53.
  • Her long bangs stayed in place, pulled back by dark purple butterfly clips.
  • Her only weak stroke was the butterfly , and this stood in the way of her improving in the IM events.
  • If you are a quiet mouse you can never become a social butterfly .
  • Ji Ah's eyelids fluttered like butterfly wings, and were laced with delicate blue veins, and defined by thick lashes.