dot-com - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dot-com in Hindi
- डॉट कॉम
dot-com Definition
- a company that relies largely or exclusively on internet commerce.
dot-com Example
- Venture capital investments are seen as the primary precursor to economic growth, they have fueled the dot-com boom in the 1990s. ( उद्यम पूंजी निवेश को आर्थिक विकास के प्राथमिक अग्रदूत के रूप में देखा जाता है, उन्होंने 1990 के दशक में डॉट-कॉम बूम को बढ़ावा दिया है। )
- We saw the same thing when the dot-com bubble burst. ( डॉट-कॉम का बुलबुला फूटने पर हमने वही देखा। )
- Second, the dot com bust took some of the wind out of inflated domain name prices. ( दूसरा, डॉट कॉम बस्ट ने बढ़े हुए डोमेन नाम की कीमतों में से कुछ हवा निकाल दी। )
- A year ago money was pouring into almost any dot com you could create. ( एक साल पहले आपके द्वारा बनाए जा सकने वाले लगभग किसी भी डॉट कॉम में पैसा डाला जा रहा था। )
- You could lose some traffic to your dot com competitor. ( आप अपने डॉट कॉम प्रतियोगी के लिए कुछ ट्रैफ़िक खो सकते हैं। )
More Sentence
- The following four famous entrepreneurs includes the founder of a cosmetics company, a greeting card company, and a dot com giant.
- Between the dot-com bust and 9/11, my portfolio lost nearly half its value over two years.
- That’s partly because the useless sites that got set up in the dot-com boom have disappeared.
- During the dot-com years of 1994-2000 the new technology was the Internet and the personal computer.
- At about the same time the dot-com bubble burst and stocks plummeted in Canada and in the United States.
- It’s also interesting to look at the recent dot-com market bubble, when earnings really ceased to matter.
- We were right in the midst of the dot-com boom and it seemed like technology stocks could never go down again.
- The Austin dot-com bust killed off sponsors.
- Unlike several other online grocers, it survived the dot-com bust.
- The dot-com bust is old news.
- MVP joins list of dot-com busts
- Not surprisingly, layoffs followed, starting with the dot-com bust of 2000.
- With the dot-com bust, WorldCom's data communications business has suffered.
- This was a practice already revealed by the dot-com bust, he added.
- In addition, Vinik's strategy would have avoided the dot-com bust.
- It's difficult to see dot - com bust in a sentence .
- The lingering resentment from the dot-com bust won't help Google, either.
- But the company fared poorly during the dot-com bust, and its growth had slowed.
- Even with this astronomical feat, as the dot-com frenzy began to take hold, Buffett was accused of "losing his touch".
- In our generation, perhaps the ultimate example of speculation for the sake of speculation came with the dot-com boom.
- There were a lot of dot-com companies coming to the IPO market with lofty valuations and no underlying revenue to support them.
- Next on this selection of famous entrerpreneurs is one of the most famous dot com tycoons.
- You can find free stencils for these scary pumpkin patterns on the Dot Com Women Web site.
- While phone orders are not accepted, customers can call the store for information only at (415) 252-7399, or you can e-mail the store at contact {at} dollhousebettie dot com.