cast-off - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cast-off in Hindi
- डालना
- खरब
- नाक़ाबिल
- फटा
- जर्जर
- घिसा हुआ
- नालायक
- निकम्मा
- जीर्ण-शीर्ण
- अयोग्य
cast-off Definition
- something, especially a garment, that is no longer wanted. ( कुछ, विशेष रूप से एक कपड़ा, जो अब नहीं चाहिए। )
- no longer wanted; abandoned or discarded. ( अब नहीं चाहता था; त्याग या त्याग किया हुआ। )
cast-off Example
- That, plus the fact that the dining area is furnished with cast-off tables and chairs and mismatched china and cutlery, might make food seem like an afterthought. ( इसके अलावा, तथ्य यह है कि भोजन क्षेत्र को कास्ट-टेबल और कुर्सियों और बेमेल चीन और कटलरी से सुसज्जित किया गया है, जिससे भोजन एक बाद की तरह लग सकता है। )
- When the likes of Waterford Port were thriving, most Irish fishermen were going around in cast-off boats from other countries. ( जब वाटरफोर्ड पोर्ट की पसंद पनप रही थी, तो अधिकांश आयरिश मछुआरे दूसरे देशों से कास्ट-ऑफ बोट में जा रहे थे। )
- Some have labeled this the ‘hand-me-down’ phenomenon, as many of the seniors moving online are recipients of cast-off hardware from their adult children. ( कुछ ने इसे-हैंड-मी-डाउन ’घटना करार दिया है, क्योंकि ऑनलाइन चलने वाले कई सीनियर अपने वयस्क बच्चों से कास्ट-ऑफ हार्डवेयर प्राप्त करते हैं। )
- Luckily, I wasn't pummelled to death with cast-off newsroom typewriters, and was even allowed to continue working. ( सौभाग्य से, मुझे कास्ट-ऑफ़ न्यूज़ रूम टाइपराइटरों के साथ मृत्यु के लिए तैयार नहीं किया गया था, और यहां तक कि काम करना जारी रखने की अनुमति दी गई थी। )
More Sentence
- He must have found fresh water; he has a source of food he can tap into… probably including cast-off bones, rubbish discarded by the fast food outlet and restaurant the other side of Marina Glen, and any other scraps he can lay his teeth into.
- Even dressed in cast-off men's clothes and struggling against the rigors of 19th century rural life, she looks as if she had stepped from the pages of a glossy magazine, her eyebrows and cuticles painstakingly attended to.
- I had to wear all my brother's highly unfashionable cast-off clothes and the bathroom always stunk of Guinness.
- She cut her hair short and bleached it blond, flaunted cast-off clothes and vivid red lipstick, shaved her eyebrows and replaced them with gold streaks.
- The students do their design work at the college in a large open room crammed with drafting desks, layout tables, computer workstations, and, usually, an eclectic array of cast-off couches and easy chairs.
- The house in question is made almost exclusively out of cast-off materials, most of which would have probably spent the rest of their days in scrap yards or in dumps.
- At once monumental and fragile, it brought to mind the jury-rigged shacks constructed from cast-off materials found in every township or slum area.
- I would never have believed it if I had not seen it with my own eyes, but many women seem perfectly happy to buy other people's cast-off mascara.
- Comprised initially of mostly illiterate former slaves, they overcame their shortcomings and the army's initial tendency to supply them with cast-off equipment.
- They wear a mixture of swathed and ragged traditional togas and cast-off Oxfam rags.
- He wore a shabby pair of green slacks made from synthetic fibre and flared from the knee down, a green t-shirt and a pair of cast-off track shoes from a former client.
- How, I wonder, through the immemorial ages, and why, did this particular bird develop its strange determination always, where possible, to use a snake's cast-off skin in building its nest?
- When that job was done, they packed it up in boxes and used cast-off pages from my comic as packing material.
- He says that he wore ‘as badges of courage’ the barbs of those who caught him wearing a classmate's cast-off clothes.
- We've lived together for five years so we've long graduated beyond using other people's cast-off china and bedding.
- Payment was commonly in cast-off clothes, food scraps, alcohol or opium dregs.
- Finding one of these cast-offs is like finding my grandmother's favourite sweater.
- About a third of the paintings in the collection are student donations or Ruskin cast-offs and have a distinctly youthful and accessible appeal that helps many of them to find a home each year.
- When times are hard or not so, rummaging through other people's (and I have to admit sometimes dead people's) cast-offs and unwanted novelty kitchen items is a fine way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
- Then a young girl, dressed in the flashy cast-offs of the second - hand, observes her.
- The Australian lamb industry was historically supplied by the cast-offs of the wool industry.
- Of course, makeshift shelters have been fashioned from transport-industry cast-offs for decades, with railway carriages used as extra bedrooms and old vans used as chicken coops.
- A Blackpool pensioner famed for his love of cast-offs has hit back at council claims he is using a private plot of land as a dumping ground for his ‘collection’.
- Country football is littered with the cast-offs from the elite leagues.
- He drives off, leaving his bags of rubbish, old fridges and washing machines, mattresses, paint tins and a choice of cast-offs behind.
- His indifference to cars was also reflected in the fact that as a young actor trying to make his way in London he was forced to make do with whatever was available - invariably the cast-offs of other actors.