nonconformist - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of nonconformist in Hindi

  • संप्रदायवादी
  • प्रोटेस्‍टेंट ईसाई
  • किसी प्रतिष्ठित चर्य (एंग्लिकन चर्च) के धार्मिक अनुशासन को न मानने वाला व्‍यक्ति
  • प्रचलित धर्म या विश्‍वास का विरोधी

nonconformist Definition


  • a person whose behavior or views do not conform to prevailing ideas or practices.
  • a member of a Protestant church in England that dissents from the established Anglican Church.


  • of or characterized by behavior or views that do not conform to prevailing ideas or practices.
  • relating to Nonconformists or their principles and practices.

nonconformist Example

  • The nonconformist farmer loves to wear his overalls to important meetings. ( गैर-किसान किसान को महत्वपूर्ण बैठकों में अपने चौग़ा पहनना पसंद है। )
  • My nonconformist mentality rebels against wearing a suit and tie to work.  ( मेरी गैर-मानसिक मानसिकता एक सूट पहनने और काम करने के लिए टाई के खिलाफ विद्रोह करती है। )
  • But his aunt was anxious for him to be a minister, as he himself desired, and therefore in 1752, when his health had improved, he went to Daventry to attend the Nonconformist academy formerly carried on by Dr P. Doddridge at Northampton. ( लेकिन उनकी चाची उनके लिए एक मंत्री बनने के लिए उत्सुक थीं, जैसा कि वे खुद चाहती थीं, और इसलिए 1752 में, जब उनके स्वास्थ्य में सुधार हुआ था, तो वह नॉर्थम्प्टन में डॉ। पी। डोड्रिज द्वारा पूर्व में किए गए नॉनकॉनफॉर्मिस्ट अकादमी में भाग लेने के लिए डेवेंट्री गई थीं। )
  • This question was settled after 1662 by the secession of the Nonconformist clergy, and no more was heard of the matter until the "Oxford movement" in the 10th century. ( यह सवाल 1662 के बाद नॉनकॉनफॉर्मिस्ट पादरियों के अलगाव के कारण सुलझा, और 10 वीं शताब्दी में "ऑक्सफोर्ड आंदोलन" तक इस मामले की कोई सुनवाई नहीं हुई। )

More Sentence

  • This was the source of his intense dislike of the Puritan and Nonconformist conception of the church, which afforded no tangible or definite form.
  • The company was founded in 1946 by Peter's father Jack Hudson and is based in a former nonconformist chapel in Shawclough Road.  
  • Waterland to Bishop Bethel, have securely depended in assailing their Nonconformist opponents.
  • He didn’t feel like he was going out of his way to be a nonconformist, it just sort of worked out that way.
  • Within forty years the Nonconformist martyr-churches of the Restoration were sunk into the apathy and skepticism of the reign of Queen Anne.
  • His eyes popped a little but an all too human desire to prove he was also liberated and nonconformist prevented him from telling me to pull them back up.
  • Even now, half a century after Hadow's lecture, much of this music is still to be heard in parish churches up and down the country and even more in nonconformist chapels.
  • That's because the pledge was regarded as a badge of nonconformist pride.
  • In the take-over of Labour by meretriciousness, its nonconformist traditions, rooted in the world of work, in mutual aid and self-improvement have largely gone.
  • Priestley, a nonconformist Presbyterian minister, was supported in his scientific studies by the patronage of the Earl of Shelburne, in whose house Priestley was tutor.
  • His nonconformist work is a perfect fit for Valmorbida and Roitfeld, who are rather untraditional art dealers themselves.
  • The nonconformist chapels, moral beacons to many in the Victorian heyday, were now suffering from falling membership, declining funds, and diminished authority.
  • A dissident is a nonconformist, a protestor or a rebel who disagrees with the majority view on anything from politics, to religion, to which football team is the best.
  • Gradually their nonconformist business elites improved public health and evolved traditions of voluntary activity, local pride and artistic patronage.
  • The scriptural name is due, as often in Wales, to the village or hamlet taking its title from the Nonconformist church.
  • He laboured for the attainment of a united Nonconformist body, which should retain the cultured element without alienating the uneducated.
  • My dad grew up as a nonconformist, beating to his own drum.  
  • Gertrude’s nonconformist paintings don’t follow the trends of today.  
  • My nonconformist brother wore jeans to my wedding.