by-election - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of by-election in Hindi

  • उपनिर्वाचन
  • उपनिर्वाचन, उपचुनाव

by-election Definition

  • an election to fill a vacancy arising during a term of office. ( कार्यालय के कार्यकाल के दौरान उत्पन्न होने वाली रिक्ति को भरने के लिए चुनाव। )

by-election Example

  • The election in that constituency has been abandoned and a by-election will be held in a month's time. ( उस निर्वाचन क्षेत्र के चुनाव को छोड़ दिया गया है और एक महीने में उपचुनाव होगा। )
  • This strikes me as an odd stance from a candidate hoping to win a by-election . ( यह मुझे उपचुनाव जीतने की उम्मीद कर रहे एक उम्मीदवार से एक अजीब रुख के रूप में टकराता है। )
  • It is not known yet whether there will be a by-election or if the vacancy will stand until the town council elections in May. ( अभी तक यह ज्ञात नहीं है कि उपचुनाव होगा या मई में नगर परिषद चुनावों तक रिक्ति खड़ी होगी या नहीं। )
  • More than that, for the first time in my recollection the party in power hasn't lost a single by-election . ( इससे अधिक, मेरी याद में पहली बार सत्ता में आई पार्टी एक भी उपचुनाव नहीं हारी है। )
  • If he won, the executive would have the option of holding a by-election to fill the seat. ( अगर वह जीत जाता तो कार्यकारिणी के पास सीट भरने के लिए उपचुनाव कराने का विकल्प होता। )

More Sentence

  • Traditionally, voters have used by-elections to express anti-government sentiment.
  • In the past the Liberals had made breakthroughs at by-elections and in gaining a large number of votes in general elections.
  • For many years successive elections and by-elections results have shown that almost the same number of people cast their votes.
  • You see it in by-elections and council elections.
  • Party divisions led to huge losses in by-elections and local government elections until the party at the grass roots seemed close to extinction.
  • The party's electoral fortunes also revived in the state elections and by-elections .
  • The vacancies mean by-elections could take place if ten electors in the town contact the council in writing by October 25 saying that they want one.
  • People stayed away from the polls in their thousands during by-elections in two opposition-held constituencies in Zimbabwe.
  • It has superintended two general elections, two municipal elections and numerous by-elections .
  • We will need to contest by-elections and begin to prepare for the general election.
  • The race does not appear to be anywhere near close, which explains the voter apathy about these by-elections .
  • Remember, we fought a general election and two by-elections , and ended up reducing our overdraft.
  • However, the by-elections involved real votes and real people, and the results are no less dismal for them.
  • Some analysts spoke about a second national election, others described the recent ballots as by-elections .
  • The voters, their expectations aroused and then frustrated, took revenge at by-elections and local elections.