brainless - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of brainless in Hindi

  • बेवक़ूफ़


  • बेवक़ूफ़
  • बुद्धिहिन

brainless Definition

  • stupid; foolish. ( बेवकूफ; मूर्ख। )

brainless Example

  • She didn't show the slightest discomfort at being flirtatious or coming across as a brainless bimbo. ( वह चुलबुली होने पर या दिमागविहीन बिंबो के रूप में आने में थोड़ी सी भी असहजता नहीं दिखाती थी। )
  • I'm all for brainless fun, but the fun got left somewhere behind here. ( मैं दिमाग़ी मज़ा के लिए हूँ, लेकिन मज़ा यहाँ पीछे छोड़ दिया है। )
  • They're about the vulgar, grunting, brainless way in which these subjects are handled. ( वे अशिष्ट, किरकिरा, बुद्धिहीन तरीके के बारे में हैं जिसमें इन विषयों को संभाला जाता है। )
  • But it's hard to be motivated about a project you're really sick of, that's mostly brainless . ( लेकिन जिस परियोजना से आप वास्तव में बीमार हैं, उसके बारे में प्रेरित होना मुश्किल है, यह ज्यादातर दिमागहीन है। )
  • Don't succumb to the squealing demands of the noisy and brainless . ( शोरगुल और बुद्धिहीन की भारी मांगों के आगे न झुकें। )
  • For once they are not cartoons but people whose intelligence is pleasantly plausible instead of being a brainless plot device. ( एक बार के लिए वे कार्टून नहीं हैं, लेकिन ऐसे लोग जिनकी बुद्धिमत्ता एक मस्तिष्कविहीन कथानक उपकरण होने के बजाय सुखद है। )

More Sentence

  • Any brainless idiot can break something and any halfwit with a box of matches can start a fire.
  • The decisions of the King will turn out to be more brainless , stupid, foolish, senseless, and imbecilic.
  • I smash my car in a completely my fault brainless bimbo type accident, and then I get to not pay for the repairs.
  • Even when they're labelled stupid and brainless , they receive the news with huge smiles on their faces.
  • I'm going to go and read a brainless blockbuster instead.
  • As if making and receiving calls were not dangerous enough, I have seen some brainless drivers reading text messages at the wheel.
  • What better place to celebrate brainless caterwauling and noisy drivel?
  • This reductive, brainless jingoism is just too weirdly, sadly topical.
  • The series looks cool but is actually quite brainless .
  • The film is filled with so many such ridiculous and brainless scenes that you've tuned off barely fifteen minutes into the film.
  • Many assume we are brainless , archaic and ignorant brutes.
  • These people, most of them serious, brainless people with no sense of humour, have to think of an insulting nickname for me.
  • Churchy is a little too brainless to resist evil at first, though too good-natured to persist in it.
  • He's the stupid, brainless one, and I won't give him any satisfaction.
  • One character points out that he thinks that ‘Rat Race to me is going to be a mix of complete brainlessness and The Matrix.’
  • Statistics are recycled brainlessly because numbers add a sense of false authority.
  • These ‘demoralised’ pupils brainlessly deposit their rubbish on the streets daily, while the ‘demoralised’ staff, who must be aware of the situation, do little or nothing to stop it.
  • If Ruby is the big sister of bimbo-land, we have a whole stable of younger fillies parading their brainlessness thanks to this TV channel which apparently feels that cricket is not sport, but entertainment.
  • Look, if the boy is cute-as-a-button but brainlessly boring, stick it out through coffee.
  • And while seemingly well adjusted, Ruben too is dispirited, trading on the bodies and brainlessness of his fighters for a few dollars and the dream of the big time.
  • It is easy to laugh - as I did, regularly - at the brainlessness behind some of the schemes documented here.
  • And with House Of Wax's combination of brainlessness and boredom, that's a truly scary thought.
  • Too many people quit after looking at two or three pages - brainlessly dismissive though this may be, it's rather less likely to happen with the printed version.
  • This, plus an ending so brainlessly upbeat it looks as if it was borrowed from a different movie, makes The Bone Collector the least impressive release of the week.