girth - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of girth in Hindi
- परिधि
- घेरा
- कक्ष्या
- पेटी
- परिणाह
- लपेट
- घिराव
girth Definition
- the measurement around the middle of something, especially a person's waist.
- a band attached to a saddle, used to secure it on a horse by being fastened around its belly.
- surround; encircle.
girth Example
- a pike with a girth of 24 inches ( 24 इंच की परिधि के साथ एक पाईक )
- an ivy-clad tree of immense girth ( विशाल परिधि का एक आइवी-पहना हुआ पेड़ )
- he tied the knotted towels around his girth ( उसने अपने कमर के चारों ओर गठा हुआ तौलिया बाँध लिया )
- The nation's collective girth has ballooned in the past 15 years. ( पिछले 15 वर्षों में राष्ट्र की सामूहिक परिधि बढ़ी है। )
More Sentence
- Say what you want about Kennedy's girth.
- He felt the girth of a strong green stalk.
- But their brilliantly warm orange hue made up for any lack in girth.
- By the graph representation, we discuss the girth and diameter of a bipartite graph, and their roles in improving the efficiency of decoding algorithms and the performance of the code.
- A girl he knew had upset him by commenting on his increasing girth.
- These clothes belonged to a man of more ample girth.
- It was as if he had more substance to him, like spiritual girth.
- She was about sixteen the first time, closer to twenty the next, and the years had not reduced her girth.
- Tallboy was confronted by a very tall man of considerable girth who looked like a retired all-in wrestler.
- A gait ill-suited to some one of his size and girth.
- In 1962, a large-waistlined Lippert sought to hem his girth.
- Blount, 54, is a Montgomery businessman whose prosperity rivals his girth.
- Kohl's 300-pound girth is as constant as his politics.
- They couldn't be more different, in girth or in deed.
- He can even take a joke about his girth.
- idle men of great girth
- the four seas that girth Britain