distinction - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of distinction in Hindi


  • भेद
  • अंतर
  • विशिष्टता
  • विभेदन
  • विशेष सम्मान
  • महत्ता
  • मुख्यता
  • भेदभाव
  • विभेद
  • सम्मान
  • विशेष योग्यता
  • वैशिष्ट्य

distinction Definition


  • a difference or contrast between similar things or people.
  • excellence that sets someone or something apart from others.

distinction Example

  • A novelist of distinction ( विशिष्टता के उपन्यासकार )
  • I made a distinction in Greek ( मैंने ग्रीक में एक अंतर बनाया )
  • The distinction left her feeling torn. ( भेद ने उसे फटा हुआ महसूस कर दिया। )
  • Being educated in the United States has long been a mark of distinction for the elites of other nations. ( संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में शिक्षित होना लंबे समय से अन्य देशों के कुलीन वर्ग के लिए एक विशिष्ट पहचान रहा है। )
  • The distinction of genders is not marked, except in proper names of men and women. ( पुरुषों और महिलाओं के उचित नामों को छोड़कर, लिंग भेद को चिह्नित नहीं किया जाता है। )

More Sentence

  • Admiral Canevaro, who had gained distinction as commander of the international forces in Foreign affairs.
  • Nevertheless, the distinction between activity and pleasure is true.
  • It is represented in the south-west of North America by other forms that by some writers are deemed species, and in the northern parts of South America by the C. phoeniceus, which would really seem entitled to distinction.
  • These were lands over which, in distinction front the other feudal lands, rights of pasture, cutting of wood, &c. &c., existed.
  • This distinction really serves, in many respects, the same purpose that money itself does.
  • With this distinction we are brought across the problem sometimes called Epistemological.
  • There was no distinction between truth and falsehood, between the Sophist and the philosopher.
  • A perfect distinction closes a perfect sense, and is marked with a round punct, thus .
  • That this distinction between the two races presupposed and included a distinction between the individuals.
  • The statutes make a distinction between the serving-brethren who were armed with iron and those who were not.
  • And what line of distinction can there possibly be greater than that which divides ignorance from knowledge?
  • It opened a new epoch in advertising and clothed that art with a distinction which will never be taken from it.
  • With the light of this distinction in our minds, it will be easy to follow and expose the sophistries of the necessitarian.
  • It is hoped that the student grasps clearly the distinction between the purposes of air-gap and fuse arresters.
  • Aristotle's distinction of form and matter, and his conception of becoming as a transition from actuality to potentiality, provides a new ontological way of conceiving the process of material and organic evolution.'
  • Hence it is that the Japanese connoisseur draws a clear distinction between the decorative design and its technical execution, crediting the former to the pictorial artist and the latter to the sculptor~ He detects in the stroke of a chisel and the lines of a gravin~ tool subjective beauties which appear to be hidden from th great majority of Western dilettanti.
  • In any case, the distinction is immaterial.
  • The inner side of that distinction is that.
  • That is a very proper distinction, he replied.
  • This is an important distinction, as we often.
  • The distinction is irrelevant Create a bag of.
  • Served with distinction in three world wars.
  • Another distinction is by their method of sale.
  • It was only the electi, too, who possessed full knowledge of religious truths, a point of distinction from Catholicism.
  • These procedures were to be applied to all births, without distinction
  • He gained the highest distinction awarded for excellence in photography