commence - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of commence in Hindi

  • शुरू
  • आरंभ
  • प्रारंभ
  • प्रारंभ करना
  • शुरू होना
  • प्रारंभ होना
  • आरंभ करना
  • आरंभ होना
  • लगना

commence Definition


  • begin; start.

commence Example

  • a public inquiry is due to commence on the 16th ( एक सार्वजनिक जांच 16 तारीख को शुरू होने वाली है )
  • Now the crews could commence. ( अब दल शुरू कर सकते थे। )
  • As soon as it is time for class to commence, the teacher closes the door so late students will have to obtain a tardy slip from the office. ( जैसे ही कक्षा शुरू होने का समय होता है, शिक्षक दरवाजा बंद कर देता है, इसलिए देर से आने वाले छात्रों को कार्यालय से टार्डी स्लिप प्राप्त करनी होगी। )
  • But lo! the friends to chat commence. ( लेकिन लो! चैट शुरू करने के लिए दोस्त। )

More Sentence

  • They give him free weed and they may commence in their business without him grassing them up.  
  • With regard to internal organization we may commence with the disposition of the renal organ (nephridium), the external opening of which has already been noted.
  • Once the test is started, the green indicator light comes on and the participant can commence the trial.  
  • We can commence war in five minutes.
  • The Custom House Artists Studios are now inviting artists to apply for studio spaces to commence next year.  
  • Sale to commence at ten o'clock sharp.
  • What is called the Gustavian period is supposed to commence with the reign of Gustavus III.
  • Now, our project will really commence.
  • Then when we got the car and commence to.
  • That’s when the harvest will commence.
  • We commence with processes, and see what they lead to; and thus get an idea of sums and differences.
  • Trial wil probably commence within the week.
  • To commence near-field studies we provided voltage ramps to extend the near-field fiber repeatedly toward the sample.  
  • Ms Markson safe and to commence interference.
  • In proof of it we will commence with quoting.
  • With regard to claret it may be said that as a general rule the wine will not improve after twenty-five to thirty years, and that after this time it will commence to deteriorate.
  • I will commence the demonstration immediately.
  • Those who had successfully got into the school would commence going to it at the beginning of the school year in September.  
  • The author of the first book of Maccabees makes the era commence with the month Nisan, or April; and the author of the second book with the first Tishrin, or October.
  • But he was too original to remain long content with a subordinate position, and the pottery business was developing so rapidly that he had every inducement to commence work on his own account.