euthanasia - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of euthanasia in Hindi
- इच्छामृत्यु
- हलकी मृत्यु
- सुखमृत्यु
euthanasia Definition
- the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. The practice is illegal in most countries.
euthanasia Example
- If her condition worsens beyond repair, euthanasia may become your only option. ( यदि उसकी स्थिति मरम्मत से परे बिगड़ जाती है, तो इच्छामृत्यु आपके लिए एकमात्र विकल्प हो सकता है। )
- There are rescues that only take animals from shelters, often only taking those animals scheduled for euthanasia, while others take dogs from individual owners seeking placement for their pets. ( ऐसे बचाव हैं जो केवल जानवरों को आश्रयों से लेते हैं, अक्सर केवल उन जानवरों को ले जाते हैं जो इच्छामृत्यु के लिए निर्धारित होते हैं, जबकि अन्य अपने पालतू जानवरों के लिए नियुक्ति की तलाश में व्यक्तिगत मालिकों से कुत्ते लेते हैं। )
- The doctor refused to perform euthanasia even though he knew it would permanently remove his patient’s suffering. ( डॉक्टर ने इच्छामृत्यु करने से इनकार कर दिया, हालांकि उन्हें पता था कि यह उनके मरीज की पीड़ा को स्थायी रूप से दूर कर देगा। )
- When people discuss euthanasia, they often refer to it as mercy killing – ending a life without pain. ( जब लोग इच्छामृत्यु पर चर्चा करते हैं, तो वे अक्सर इसे दया हत्या के रूप में संदर्भित करते हैं - बिना दर्द के जीवन समाप्त करना। )
More Sentence
- Euthanasia will put my elderly dog out of his misery.
- The statement also condemned euthanasia and suggested legal action against those governments which legalized it.
- A hospice which opposes euthanasia advertises for a medical director.
- Advocates of " mercy killing, insist that many doctors practice euthanasia without declaring it.
- We welcome the Committee's clear view that nothing in the draft Bill would permit euthanasia.
- They is a distinct gray area in such a definition - how do you define, precisely, non-voluntary euthanasia?
- Because my mother endured awful pain during her final months, I considered ending her life through euthanasia.
- Removing a person from life support is a type of euthanasia.
- However, I firmly believe euthanasia should always be a last resort, not a first solution.
- Other Pyrenees come to rescue organizations after being saved from local shelters where they faced possible euthanasia.
- The door is left wide open for involuntary euthanasia.