bump - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bump in Hindi

  • टक्कर
  • टकराव


  • टकराना


  • अचानक
  • एकाएक
  • सहसा
  • टक्कर मारना
  • चोट मारना
  • धक्का मारना

bump Definition


  • knock or run into someone or something, typically with a jolt. ( खटखटाना या किसी के साथ या किसी चीज़ में भागना, आमतौर पर एक झटके से। )
  • move or travel with much jolting and jarring. ( ज्यादा हिलना-डुलना और घबराहट के साथ चलना या यात्रा करना। )
  • refuse (a passenger) a reserved place on an airline flight, typically because of deliberate overbooking. ( आम तौर पर जानबूझकर ओवरबुकिंग की वजह से एयरलाइन की उड़ान पर आरक्षित स्थान (एक यात्री) को मना करना। )


  • a light blow or a jolting collision. ( हल्का झटका या जोरदार टक्कर। )
  • a protuberance on a level surface. ( एक स्तर की सतह पर एक प्रोट्यूबरेंस। )
  • an increase. ( वृद्धि। )
  • a loosely woven fleeced cotton fabric used in upholstery and as lining material. ( एक ढीले ढंग से बुने हुए सूती कपड़े जो असबाब में और अस्तर सामग्री के रूप में उपयोग किए जाते हैं। )

bump Example

  • Obama checked in at 22 percent, a 4-point bump from the earlier poll. ( ओबामा ने 22 प्रतिशत की जाँच की, जो पहले हुए मतदान से 4 अंकों की उछाल थी। )
  • Muammar touched the bump on his head gingerly, trying to remember. ( मुअम्मर ने अदरक को अपने सिर पर छूकर याद करने की कोशिश की। )
  • Where some people have a bump of direction, I have a small black hole. ( जहां कुछ लोगों के पास दिशा की टक्कर है, मेरे पास एक छोटा ब्लैक होल है। )
  • Grass ticks are about the size of a pinhead and cause little reaction other than an itchy bump at the bite site. ( घास की टिकियां एक पिनहेड के आकार के बारे में होती हैं और काटने वाली जगह पर खुजली वाली गांठ के अलावा बहुत कम प्रतिक्रिया देती हैं। )
  • If not for the TV, I was sure I would have been able to hear the box jerk and bump across the attic floor at night. ( यदि टीवी के लिए नहीं, तो मुझे यकीन था कि मैं रात में अटारी फर्श पर बॉक्स झटका और टक्कर सुन सकता था। )
  • It will go in a case - the slightest bump or knock considerably affects the value. ( यह एक मामले में जाएगा - मामूली टक्कर या दस्तक काफी मूल्य को प्रभावित करती है। )

More Sentence

  • Sciama remembered clearly, as do his colleagues, that on some days Hawking would turn up at the office with a bandage around his head, having fallen heavily and received a nasty bump .
  • It knocked her elbow hard enough to make a loud bump sound.
  • A moment later a not-so-gentle bump reverberated through the ship as it touched down on the unruly ice.
  • There were no physical injuries except the crew chief got a bump on the head.
  • He said later, after being carpeted by the editor and having to apologise to the woman, that he distinctly heard the bump as she dropped the phone and a louder bump as she fainted.
  • As soon as they passed over the ridge they experienced a considerable air bump throwing the aircraft suddenly upwards on the windward side.
  • There's a bump , then the sound of wheels along the ground.
  • Colouring and flavouring surface baits such as pellets chum mixer and crust can further improve takes, but often species such as carp will bump and knock such baits.
  • Bleached bump is suitable for white curtains or backgrounds, unbleached for other fabrics when a cream cast will not matter.
  • a slight bump in sales
  • He heard a bump behind him and saw that the elf had slipped from his seat onto the ground.
  • I have this gross bump on my eyelid, and it's so painful.
  • he was making the most of his bump of direction
  • we might just bump into each other
  • Well that's a nasty bump , but nothing serious.
  • She's going to have a nasty bump on her head when she wakes up, and one hell of a headache.
  • My fingertips hurt and sting if I bump them into things, my shoulder muscles are stiff.
  • They disappeared into the disco crowd with a thump and a bump .
  • But they say the sales increase would only be a small bump to total industry sales, already exceeding $20 billion.
  • Now she was just getting angry over it all, she felt a bump or some impact as she fell down still crying and not even noticing the change of position or the pain in her lower back.
  • It said the pain should be underneath the bump and the whole bump should go hard.
  • A bump on the skull directly above one of these sections indicates that the particular faculty, called an organ, is more than normally developed.
  • The next he heard a bump and saw a propeller flying away from the plane.
  • Any lump, be it a mild swelling, a bump , a nodule, or whatever you choose to call it, and wherever you find it, visit your doctor and get it looked at.