charity - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of charity in Hindi
- दान पुण्य
- दानी संस्था
- भिक्षा
- भीख
- रहम
- कृपा
- भिक्षादान
- धर्मदान
- रहमत
- ख़ैरात
- दया-भाव
- करुणा
charity Definition
- the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need. ( आम तौर पर जरूरतमंद लोगों को मदद के रूप में स्वैच्छिक रूप से धन देना। )
- an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need. ( एक संगठन जो सहायता प्रदान करने और जरूरतमंद लोगों के लिए धन जुटाने के लिए स्थापित किया गया है। )
- kindness and tolerance in judging others. ( दूसरों को आंकने में दया और सहनशीलता। )
charity Example
- We will be doing a greater act of charity by helping these beggars earn a respectable living. ( हम इन भिखारियों को सम्मानजनक जीवनयापन करने में मदद करके परोपकार का एक बड़ा कार्य करेंगे। )
- As a result, he is punished with terrible visions of how his daughter's future might have been, learning that human despair is not to be judged and that charity should be given to all. ( नतीजतन, उन्हें भयानक दृश्यों से सजा दिया जाता है कि उनकी बेटी का भविष्य कैसा रहा होगा, यह सीखते हुए कि मानवीय निराशा का न्याय नहीं करना है और यह दान सभी को दिया जाना चाहिए। )
- They fear leaving because they will be at the mercy of charity and be transformed into outcasts in their communities. ( उन्हें छोड़ने का डर है क्योंकि वे दान की दया पर होंगे और अपने समुदायों में बहिर्गमन में बदल जाएंगे। )
- Lepers were separated in leper hospitals built with private charity because people were afraid of defilement. ( निजी दान के साथ निर्मित कोपर अस्पतालों में कुष्ठरोगियों को अलग कर दिया गया था क्योंकि लोग मलत्याग से डरते थे। )
More Sentence
- With no money and hand-me-down charity , they still manage to look 100 times more chic and svelte than the rest of us.
- But something so pleasurable hardly seemed like charity .
- They also tend to give money to charity and to volunteer.
- This brings us to the second statement to consider: that Ramadan is the month of kindness and charity .
- The main reason why Archer can afford to look on the success of his old bandmates with such charity and indeed pride is the fact he has just released his latest solo album Flood the Tanks.
- faith, hope, and charity
- This charity is a totally voluntary one without any government support.
- Giving of private charity obviously has a ‘feel good’ factor to it.
- He represents the best things in life - hope, faith, goodness, charity , kindness and love.
- the proceeds of the sale will go to charity
- The charity is run by volunteers who help out year after year for the three months the shop opens.
- Mother Teresa throughout all her life manifested the virtues of a genuinely liberated person: Faith, hope, courage, charity .
- The event, in aid of charity , was sold out two weeks in advance.
- Unlike in England, no firm in the private sector or millionaire-funded charity is permitted to run a school.
- This is a very tax-efficient way for people to give regular amounts of money to charity .
- In the meantime he is a volunteer at the Manchester-based charity George House Trust.
- But the goodwill built up by such acts of charity is fast disappearing.
- The charity desperately needs volunteers who would be willing to spend even one hour a week just talking to lonely older people, he says.
- an unemployed teacher living on charity
- She also highlighted Valerie's work in setting up a support group and fundraising for charity .
- Most of the team of school children presented their item woven around a particular theme, ranging from patriotism and love to kindness and charity .
- I do, however, believe that they must donate more money to charity , and help the people in their country.
- Second, the personal connection at the heart of private charity cannot be reproduced by government.
- The rally, in aid of charity , begins on Boxing Day.
- In the world of private charity , the Victorian ethos is alive and well.
- I do not ask people for donations or expect charity as I think I should be responsible and work.