brunch - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of brunch in Hindi
- ब्रंच
- नाश्ता
- कलेवा
brunch Definition
- a late morning meal eaten instead of breakfast and lunch. ( नाश्ते और दोपहर के भोजन के बजाय सुबह का खाना खाया। )
brunch Example
- As is often the case, I made them in the morning for breakfast / brunch . ( जैसा कि अक्सर होता है, मैंने उन्हें सुबह नाश्ते / ब्रंच के लिए बनाया। )
- You'll be welcome to linger as long as you like over brunch , lunch or dinner and time in between. ( जब तक आप ब्रंच, लंच या डिनर और बीच का समय पसंद करेंगे, आपका स्वागत है। )
- On Christmas morning she'll be at her daughter's, tucking into a brunch of eggs Benedict, bacon, sausages and waffles. ( क्रिसमस की सुबह वह अपनी बेटी के हाथों में होगी, बेनेडिक्ट, बेकन, सॉसेज और वेफल्स के एक अंडे में टक। )
- Pattie Boyd had dropped by the Lennon home, for an early brunch with Cynthia that morning. ( पैटी बोयड उस सुबह सिंथिया के साथ शुरुआती ब्रंच के लिए, लेनन घर से गिर गया था। )
- We send them candy and flowers and take them out for brunch , lunch or dinner. ( हम उन्हें कैंडी और फूल भेजते हैं और उन्हें ब्रंच, लंच या डिनर के लिए बाहर ले जाते हैं। )
More Sentence
- This wholesome family outing was enjoyed by all and afterwards everyone tucked into a delicious brunch .
- Then we're off to Xmas brunch , lunch and dinner with some of my favourite cousins, one of whom is back from London.
- In fine Whistler tradition, the beer flowed freely and as a result, this morning many of the brunch attendees looked the worse for wear.
- Under the plan, breakfast and lunch will be cancelled, replaced with a mid-morning brunch instead.
- breakfast was served so late as almost to constitute brunch
- he cobbled together a brunch of cold remains from the fridge
- There is a buffet brunch at Pacific Pier, where people can sit on the viewing gallery to watch the sea lions and feed them with fish the park prepares.
- My final meal in Melbourne was a lovely brunch at the Comfortable Chair on Lygon Street.
- There are less formal meals, picnics and barbecues and the forthcoming brunch is one of these occasions.
- The menu will be tailored to meet the needs of the people for a tasty meal, be it brunch , lunch, afternoon snack, or late supper.
- My wife and I miss the patio brunch , which was the only meal out we could do with our infant.
- The place has fantastic restaurants for brunch , lunch and dinner.
- Despite the presence of the butchers block in the middle of the kitchen and despite having a dining room with better and bigger furniture the couple preferred to have leisurely breakfasts, or brunches as in this case, in the kitchen.
- Restaurants are already booked for brunches and dinners.
- Volunteer to set up potluck brunches and dinners for the community.
- Located bang on the waterfront, it's a restaurant in the day serving up hearty breakfasts, brunches , lunches and dinners.
- Executive Chef Kelly Macdonald and his crew of six use propane-fired gas ranges and electric appliances as they prepare all brunches , lunches and dinners for passengers aboard the railroad as it journeys through the Napa Valley.