barium - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of barium in Hindi
- बेरियम
- बारिउम
barium Definition
- the chemical element of atomic number 56, a soft white reactive metal of the alkaline earth group. ( परमाणु संख्या 56 के रासायनिक तत्व, क्षारीय पृथ्वी समूह की एक नरम सफेद प्रतिक्रियाशील धातु। )
barium Example
- On the site of Barium and Chemical Inc. in Steubenville, Ohio, lies an aquifer that contains chemicals such as nitrate and barium that were dumped during a time when this was a legal method of disposal. ( ओहियो के स्टुबेनविले में बेरियम और केमिकल इंक की साइट पर, एक जलभृत है जिसमें नाइट्रेट और बेरियम जैसे रसायन होते हैं जिन्हें एक ऐसे समय में डंप किया गया था जब यह निपटान का एक कानूनी तरीका था। )
- The resulting elements (such as, strontium, zirconium, barium , lanthanum, and lead) then decay into still heavier elements. ( परिणामी तत्व (जैसे, स्ट्रोंटियम, जिरकोनियम, बेरियम, लैंथेनम, और सीसा) फिर भी भारी तत्वों में सड़ जाते हैं। )
- A barium swallow examination disclosed a small filling defect in the lower third of the esophagus. ( एक बेरियम निगल परीक्षा ने घुटकी के निचले तीसरे में एक छोटे से भरने के दोष का खुलासा किया। )
- A barium examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract showed the stricture as a filling defect. ( ऊपरी गैस्ट्रोइंटेस्टाइनल ट्रैक्ट की एक बेरियम परीक्षा ने एक भराव दोष के रूप में सख्त दिखाया। )
- Gastric ulcers without any malignant characteristics seen on barium swallow have a specificity of more than 95 percent in ruling out gastric cancer. ( बेरियम निगल पर देखे गए किसी भी घातक लक्षण के बिना गैस्ट्रिक अल्सर गैस्ट्रिक कैंसर से निपटने में 95 प्रतिशत से अधिक की विशिष्टता है। )
- Reported food obstruction below the clavicles requires primary investigation with either upper gastrointestinal endoscopy or barium swallow. ( Clavicles के नीचे रिपोर्ट किए गए खाद्य अवरोध को ऊपरी जठरांत्र एंडोस्कोपी या बेरियम निगल के साथ प्राथमिक जांच की आवश्यकता होती है। )
- An example of this is in specialty guidelines for colon cancer screening, where radiologists recommend barium enemas while gastroenterologists recommend colonoscopy. ( इसका एक उदाहरण पेट के कैंसर की जांच के लिए विशेष दिशानिर्देशों में है, जहां रेडियोलॉजिस्ट बेरियम एनीमा की सलाह देते हैं जबकि गैस्ट्रोएंटेरोलॉजिस्ट कोलोनोस्कोपी की सलाह देते हैं। )
- Cesium - 137, which decays to nonradioactive barium , is found in spent fuel elements from nuclear reactors. ( सीज़ियम - 137, जो कि नॉनड्रायोएक्टिव बेरियम से बना है, परमाणु रिएक्टरों से खर्च किए गए ईंधन तत्वों में पाया जाता है। )
More Sentence
- We quickly learned that those cases were from their new non-toxic primers, which contained no lead or other heavy metals such as barium and antimony.
- Useful modalities for investigating a suspected case include small bowel barium meal, barium enema, ultrasonography, computed tomographic scan and colonoscopy.
- If the carbon and oxygen signatures do not match a unique location, Thorrold examines trace metals like magnesium, manganese, strontium and barium to fine-tune the fish's whereabouts.
- Pull up a seat at this giant table - yes, it's actually a wooden periodic table - and learn more than you ever dreamed you could about calcium, helium, barium and their more exotic cousins.
- The barium shows up white on the x ray, allowing a clear view of the colon and will show how much of the colon is affected.
- Behind them was a screen showing mostly medical videos of operations, barium meals, gastroscopies, angiograms, arthroscopy, etc.
- He suggested the name barium for the element based on the scientific name for the Bologna stone, barite.
- Crawford was interested in the study of minerals and other chemicals and spent some time analyzing the mineral known as baryte, a primary source of the element barium .
- New processing methods are outlined from which potassium, sodium, barium , strontium and cadmium were discovered.
- Some researchers suggest that diagnosis should be based on patient history and confirmed by barium swallow, and that an upper endoscopy is not indicated.
- Nearby, there could be drums containing potassium, nickel, barium or a little bit of manganese leaching into the pretty stream.
- But barium has an atomic number of 56, barely more than half that of uranium.
- Endoscopy and barium meal are the principal investigations.
- Many of these cavities contain good crystals of potassium, strontium, barium , rare earths, titanium, and niobium minerals.
- They attempted to gauge sediment deposits over that period by measuring core-layer fluctuations in the ratio of barium to calcium.
- Few patients had endoscopy or upper gastrointestinal barium examination in the follow up year.
- Cartridges found at the Post Office contained residues of aluminium, lead, barium and antimony or three or two of these elements.
- Fireworks made with an aluminum mixture that contains barium will produce white sparks, whereas a firework made with strontium sends off red sparks.
- Based on the patient history and physical examination, barium esophagram and/or gastroesophageal endoscopy can confirm the diagnosis.
- a barium meal
- The index patient also infected the husband of another patient, who was waiting for his wife to undergo barium meal examination in the diagnostic radiology department, who subsequently infected his wife.
- The videofluoroscopic swallowing study with barium is a multidisciplinary evaluation with collaboration between a radiologist and a speech-language pathologist.