accompanied - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of accompanied in Hindi
- के साथ
- सहित
accompanied Definition
- to go with as an associate or companion
accompanied Example
- His father's angry voice was accompanied by a slap. ( उनके पिता की गुस्से भरी आवाज के साथ एक थप्पड़ भी था। )
- A hard slap accompanied her words. ( उसकी बातों के साथ एक जोरदार तमाचा भी था। )
- His words were accompanied by a shove. ( उनके शब्दों के साथ धक्का-मुक्की भी हुई। )
- Andre's words were accompanied by a smile ( आंद्रे के शब्द मुस्कान के साथ थे )
More Sentence
- I went there in October, 1894, accompanied by Miss Sullivan.
- To one of these dinners Pitt was invited, and was subsequently accompanied by some of his colleagues.
- Toni's voice was accompanied by a tap at the door.
- On the 7th of November Garibaldi accompanied Victor Emmanuel during his solemn entry into Naples, and on the morrow returned to Caprera, after disbanding his volunteers and recommending their enrolment in the regular army.
- Accompanied by his wife, he appeared in the capital in February 17 9 1.
- The beats are accompanied by both African chants and English verse:
- This will be accompanied by a broadening of the tax base.
- Goh will be accompanied by his trade minister and 31 businessmen.
- Brazauskas was accompanied by Foreign Minister Povilas Gylys and other advisors.
- It's difficult to see accompanied by in a sentence .
- The troops were accompanied by more than 20 American military trainers.
- It was accompanied by an increase in the price of gasoline.
- But no list will have been accompanied by so much hype.
- The rally in stocks has been accompanied by one in bonds.
- Or will the New Year be accompanied by something truly apocalyptic?
- There is nothing bad that is not accompanied by something good.
- Louis accompanied the Crusaders to Damietta in 1221, and governed Germany as regent from 1225 until 1228, when he deserted Frederick II.
- The remaining ten or twelve years of Avicenna's life were spent in the service of Abu Ya`far 'Ala Addaula, whom he accompanied as physician and general literary and scientific adviser, even in his numerous campaigns.
- He was the uncle and guardian of Conradin of Hohenstaufen, whom he assisted to make his journey to Italy in 1267, and accompanied as far as Verona.
- In 1646 she accompanied her husband to Minster, where he was sent by Mazarin as chief envoy, and where she charmed the German diplomatists who were making the treaty of Westphalia, and was addressed as the "goddess of peace and concord."
- It carried their baggage and was useful to ride in wherever there were good roads, and since it had accompanied them so far in their travels they felt it their duty to preserve it.
- It was accompanied by a vision of her chamber.