lame - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of lame in Hindi
- लंगड़ा
- पंगु
- असन्तोषजनक
- कच्चा
- अपूर्ण
- अपाहिज
- टूटा
- भंग
- लंगड़ा करना
- पंगु बनाना
lame Definition
- (especially of an animal) unable to walk without difficulty as the result of an injury or illness affecting the leg or foot.
- (of something intended to be entertaining) uninspiring and dull.
- (of verse or metrical feet) halting; metrically defective.
- (of fabric or a garment) interwoven with gold or silver threads.
- make (a person or animal) lame.
- fabric with interwoven gold or silver threads.
lame Example
- I found the program pretty lame and not very informative ( मुझे यह कार्यक्रम काफी लंगड़ा और बहुत जानकारीपूर्ण नहीं लगा )
- I made really stupid posters with lame slogans ( मैंने लंगड़े नारों के साथ सचमुच बेवकूफी भरे पोस्टर बनाए )
- despite his lame leg, he fled ( अपने लंगड़े पैर के बावजूद, वह भाग गया )
- He was lame for the rest of his days. ( वह अपने बाकी दिनों के लिए लंगड़ा था। )
More Sentence
- He muttered some lame excuse, feigning making an error.
- Five sets of predatory eyes fell to her, as if realizing there was a lame lamb in their midst
- This drew all the children after him and he led them out of the town to the Koppelberg hill, in the side of which a door suddenly opened, by which he entered and the children after him, all but one who was lame and could not follow fast enough to reach the door before it shut again.
- Even she knew that she sounded lame.
- Had rendered it really about as lame.
- What to do with blown and lame oxen?
- Waldron felt at once that the excuse was a lame one.
- His words seemed very lame ones.
- The lame man gave him a sharp glance.
- Frank walked with his lame pony to the ranch house.
- Who could persuade the lame to use swift feet.
- He bowed, and then the lame lady took up the word.
- He was slightly lame from an accident.
- And his bootless foot is lasting lame;.
- I know the answer was lame but it was.
- And this sister is lame as well as mad.
- He was lame and of weakly health.
- it was a lame statement and there was no excusing his behavior
- his horse went lame