complaint - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of complaint in Hindi
- शिकायत
- अभियोग
- रोग
- फ़रियाद
- उलाहना
- कष्ट
- फरियाद
- परिवाद
- उपालम्भ
complaint Definition
- a statement that a situation is unsatisfactory or unacceptable.
- an illness or medical condition, especially a relatively minor one.
complaint Example
- he hasn't any cause for complaint ( उसके पास शिकायत का कोई कारण नहीं है )
- Your complaint must be made through the proper channels. ( आपकी शिकायत उचित चैनलों के माध्यम से की जानी चाहिए। )
- Letters of complaint poured in . ( शिकायत के पत्र डाले गए। )
- In later years this complaint was precisely that of the Uitlanders at Johannesburg. ( बाद के वर्षों में यह शिकायत ठीक जोहान्सबर्ग के यूटलैंडर्स की थी। )
More Sentence
- Mr Genoa filed a formal complaint against the department.
- The company has been sitting on my letter for weeks without dealing with my complaint.
- Mr. Reynolds, I've received a complaint that you've been abusing your wife.
- I intend to make an official complaint
- I took down the name and rank of their commanding officer, to hand in a complaint about it.
- a letter of complaint
- I have a complaint about the food.
- I'd like to make a complaint about the noise.
- My doctor prescribes aspirin for every complaint.
- I wish to make a complaint.
- The road-works caused much complaint among local residents.
- This is a cause of complaint.
- The real cause of complaint against him was no doubt his patrician haughtiness and his triumphal entry into Rome in a chariot drawn by white horses.
- The most common complaint is about poor service.
- What is your complaint?
- Portugal has lodged a complaint with the International Court of Justice.
- Railway communications are practically monopolized by the South Eastern & Chatham Company, a monopoly which has not infrequently been the cause of complaint on the part of farmers, traders and others.
- I believe you have a complaint against one of our nurses.
- Rorapaugh said Fisher approved her decision to file the FEC complaint.
- The Disney press office has rightly poured scorn on these complaints.
- You also can check for any consumer complaints filed against them.
- After complaints from local merchants, the city created Cruise Avenue.
- The complaints were up substantially from 8, 780 in 1992.
- It's difficult to see complaint in a sentence .
- There were no injuries, only complaints of pain and seasickness.
- Her case may be extreme, but her complaints are common.
- Yancey's complaint : The NRA was not strident enough.
- Such complaints are to me rather an indication of healthy competition.
- she is receiving treatment for her skin complaint