biosphere - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of biosphere in Hindi
- बीओस्फिअ
- बीओस्फिअ
biosphere Definition
- the regions of the surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere of the earth (or analogous parts of other planets) occupied by living organisms. ( पृथ्वी के सतह, वायुमंडल और जलमंडल (या अन्य ग्रहों के अनुरूप भागों) में रहने वाले जीवों द्वारा कब्जा कर लिया गया है। )
biosphere Example
- The system of universes could be even more intricate and complex than the biosphere of our planet. ( हमारे ग्रह के जीवमंडल की तुलना में ब्रह्मांडों की प्रणाली और भी अधिक जटिल और जटिल हो सकती है। )
- the elliptical domed biosphere is the largest single-span glasshouse in the world ( अण्डाकार गुंबददार जीवमंडल दुनिया में सबसे बड़ा एकल-स्पैन ग्लासहाउस है )
- If we catch it, the potential to expand the biosphere beyond Earth to the rim of the solar system and beyond can be realized. ( अगर हम इसे पकड़ लेते हैं, तो पृथ्वी से परे जीवमंडल का विस्तार सौर मंडल के रिम तक और उससे आगे करने की क्षमता का एहसास हो सकता है। )
- Another major biological feature often considered as organized hierarchically is the pattern of distribution and association of organisms in the biosphere . ( एक अन्य प्रमुख जैविक विशेषता जिसे अक्सर संगठित रूप से माना जाता है, जीवमंडल में जीवों के वितरण और संघटन का पैटर्न है। )
- Of course, it was snuffed out because Mars is tectonically dead, so the recycling of chemicals that you get on Earth which keeps things going and supplies the surface biosphere would have actually ceased on Mars a lot earlier. ( बेशक, यह सूंघ लिया गया था क्योंकि मंगल विवर्तनिक रूप से मृत है, इसलिए रसायनों का पुनर्चक्रण जो आपको पृथ्वी पर मिलता है जो चीजों को रखता है और सतह के जीवमंडल की आपूर्ति करता है वास्तव में मंगल पर बहुत पहले ही समाप्त हो गया होगा। )
- He demonstrated, for example, that the atmosphere, the oceans, and most of the area on which we live on the surface of the Earth, is a biosphere . ( उन्होंने प्रदर्शित किया, उदाहरण के लिए, कि वायुमंडल, महासागरों और अधिकांश क्षेत्र जिस पर हम पृथ्वी की सतह पर रहते हैं, एक जीवमंडल है। )
- The idea of bringing physical samples of Mars back to Earth has raised serious concerns about the possibility of contaminating the Earth's biosphere with an unknown Martian organism. ( मंगल ग्रह के भौतिक नमूनों को पृथ्वी पर वापस लाने के विचार ने एक अज्ञात मार्टियन जीव के साथ पृथ्वी के जीवमंडल को दूषित करने की संभावना पर गंभीर चिंताएं जताई हैं। )
- Oxygen is one of several vital elements that are constantly consumed and recycled by processes involving the biosphere , the Earth's rocks and volcanoes, and the oceans. ( ऑक्सीजन कई महत्वपूर्ण तत्वों में से एक है जो लगातार जीवमंडल, पृथ्वी की चट्टानों और ज्वालामुखियों और महासागरों को शामिल करने वाली प्रक्रियाओं द्वारा खपत और पुनर्नवीनीकरण किया जाता है। )
More Sentence
- Even most of earth is lifeless once you get past the thin film of the biosphere on the surface.
- Human activities have dramatically altered the Earth's biosphere and atmosphere during the past few hundred years.
- However, forest fires are well-known, important mechanisms for exchanging elements between the biosphere and the atmosphere.
- The second reason is that it's the mixing place between the biosphere and the atmosphere.
- So man is now changing the planet, for the better, just as living processes improved the planet, so man by acting on the biosphere improves the planet.
- As a science, ecology describes the interrelationships between organisms and environments - that is, the experience of living together in the biosphere .
- The totality of living organisms is the biosphere , although this term is also used to denote the environment inhabited by living organisms.
- The storage of sulfur in the various compartments of Earth and its biosphere , and the many transfers occurring among them, is referred to as the sulfur cycle.
- He looked at this problem of living processes in the biosphere from that standpoint.
- In certain areas, mankind is presently consuming these mineral resources more rapidly than they are being transmitted from the interior of the planet to the biosphere .
- And therefore, humanity, which comes into the picture with cognition, depends upon this living part of the planet, the so-called biosphere .
- This is a long, long way from saying that this galaxy is full of planets with biospheres even remotely comparable to ours.
- The observational record from Mauna Lao since the International Geophysical Year in 1957/8 shows an increase, but what is lost in this record is the increased flux sequestered by the ocean and the terrestrial biospheric carbon pools.
- Earth observing satellites are paving the way to find out if these biospheric responses are going to hold for the future, ‘adds Steve Running, another co-author from the University of Montana.’
- Trees are necessary to human life not just because they are powerhouses of basic biospheric processes.
- He touches on the lives of many scientists, some famous and some forgotten, who have studied the earth and the biospheres of Indonesia.
- If anyone should be indignant, we should be - for failing to force the North to tighten its belt and pay for the biospheric damage it has caused to date.
- Smil's unique biospheric narrative, devoid of hype and patriotism, transcends academic apartheid.
- He analyzed and noted a remarkable homeostasis of atmospheric composition and surface temperature over the past three billion years, and concluded that this could only be attributed to a biospheric regulatory mechanism.
- Most biospheric carbon is already in the oceans anyway, and they can take a good deal more.