ending - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of ending in Hindi


  • अंत
  • समाप्ति
  • समापन
  • विभक्ति


  • अंतिम
  • शेष
  • समाप्त होने वाला
  • अन्त्याक्षर

ending Definition


  • an end or final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a book or movie.

ending Example

  • Pierre was one of those retired gentlemen-in-waiting of whom there were hundreds good-humoredly ending their days in Moscow. ( पियरे उन सेवानिवृत्त सज्जनों में से एक थे, जिनके मॉस्को में सैकड़ों अच्छे-अच्छे दिन समाप्त हो रहे थे। )
  • The evening was ending, but the night had not yet come. ( शाम ढल रही थी, लेकिन अभी रात नहीं आई थी। )
  • The strange contrast between the succession of dynasties and kings cut off by assassination in the northern kingdom, ending in the tragic overthrow of 721 B.C., and the persistent succession through three centuries of the seed of David on the throne of Jerusalem, as well as the marvellous escape of Jerusalem in 701 B.C. from the fate of Samaria, must have invested the seed of David in the eyes of all thoughtful observers with a mysterious and divine significance. ( राजवंशों और राजाओं के उत्तराधिकार के बीच अजीब विरोधाभास उत्तरी साम्राज्य में हत्या से कट गया, 721 ईसा पूर्व के दुखद तख्तापलट में समाप्त हुआ, और यरूशलेम के सिंहासन पर डेविड के वंश के तीन शताब्दियों के लगातार उत्तराधिकार के साथ-साथ 701 ईसा पूर्व में यरूशलेम का अद्भुत पलायन सामरिया के भाग्य से, एक रहस्यमय और दिव्य महत्व के साथ सभी विचारशील पर्यवेक्षकों की आंखों में डेविड के बीज का निवेश किया होगा। )

More Sentence

  • It is thus possible to exhibit a series of objects beginning at one end with the most diffused nebulosity and ending at the other with an ordinary fixed star or group of stars.
  • The point at issue was when the Paschal fast was to be reckoned as ending.
  • (r) the preparatory fast of the forty days of Lent; (2) the fifteen days, beginning with the Sunday before and ending with the Sunday after Easter, during which the ceremonies of Holy Week and the services of the Octave of Easter were observed; this period, called by the French the Quinzaine de Pdques, was specially observed in that.
  • In 1907 he took a prominent part in advocating the ending, rather than the mending, of the House of Lords; and in 1908 he was elected chairman of the party, a post which he held for two years and to which he was reelected in the autumn of 1914 when the then chairman, Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, had to resign owing to his pacifist views.
  • He'd wanted to make it up to her for her life ending too soon.
  • If everything was going to be fine, then why did she feel like their world was ending?
  • Walk in the door, reveal what Jonny wanted her to do and they'd have their happy ending.