cotyledon - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cotyledon in Hindi

  • बीजपत्र
  • गर्भदल
  • अंकुर

cotyledon Definition


  • an embryonic leaf in seed-bearing plants, one or more of which are the first leaves to appear from a germinating seed.

cotyledon Example

  • Cotyledon are among the best known. ( Cotyledon सबसे प्रसिद्ध में से हैं। )
  • P g PY en P however, the cotyledon is not really terminal. ( Pg PY en P हालांकि, बीजपत्र वास्तव में टर्मिनल नहीं है। )
  • The cotyledon and stem grow up vertically through the prothallus, the root turning downwards into the soil. ( बीजपत्र और तना प्रोटहॉलस के माध्यम से लंबवत रूप से बढ़ते हैं, जड़ नीचे की ओर मिट्टी में बदल जाती है। )
  • The epiblast has been regarded as representing a second cotyledon, but this is a very doubtful interpretation. ( एपिब्लास्ट को दूसरे बीजपत्र का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाला माना गया है, लेकिन यह एक बहुत ही संदिग्ध व्याख्या है। )

More Sentence

  • Fructification includes peel, seed coat, cotyledon and embryo 4 parts.
  • In view of the phenomenon of cotyledon rootage in the wounded part, presumptions could be made that cotyledon would be the explant for Hevea somatic tissue cultivation.
  • Multiple shoots were induced on cotyledon nodes of soybean by means of organogenesis.
  • The extending cotyledon traces differentiate directly from the parenchymatous cells which locate on the outside of the poles of primary xylem.
  • Cotyledon area was an index of yield in early growth period of cotton and existed positive correlation to seed cotton weight per boll.
  • With the semi-leafless pea and common pea as experiment materials, the author studied the sequence of af (leaflet mutant gene), i (cotyledon color gene) and lf (initial flower node position).
  • In monocotyledonous plants there is only one seed-leaf or cotyledon, and hence the arrangement is at first alternate; and it generally continues so more or less, rarely being verticillate.
  • In other instances single cylindrical leaves arose from the earth, where no bulbs were to be found; these cylindrical leaves were thought to arise from seeds, which, if it was a fact, would prove that the plant vegetated with but one cotyledon.
  • In other cases this growing-point becomes active at once, there being little or no elongation of the hypocotyl and tbe cotyledon or cotyledons remaining in the seed.
  • But the presence of a second cotyledon in grasses is extremely doubtful, and though there may be ground for reconsidering the position of Nymphaeaceae, their association with the grasses as a distinct class is not warranted by a comparative examination of the members of the two orders.
  • Cotyledon, a widely distributed genus with about 90 species, is represented in the British Isles by C. Umbilicus, pennywort, or navelwort, which takes its name from the succulent peltate leaves.
  • After fertilization the ovum-nucleus divides and cell-formation proceeds rapidly, especially in the lower part of the ovum, in which the cotyledon and axis of the embryo are differentiated; the long, tangled suspensor of the cycadean embryo is not found in Ginkgo.
  • In many Monocotyledons the terminal cell forms the cotyledonary portion alone of the shoot of the embryo, its axial part and the root being derived from the adjacent cell; the cotyledon is thus a terminal structure and the apex of the primary stem a lateral one - a condition in marked contrast with that of the Dicotyledons.