downstream - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of downstream in Hindi




बहाव के साथ

downstream Definition


  • 'in the direction in which a stream or river flows.
  • in or toward the part of a sequence of genetic material where transcription takes place later than at a given point.


  • situated or moving in the direction in which a stream or river flows.
  • situated in or toward the part of a sequence of genetic material where transcription takes place later than at a given point.
  • taking place at or relating to a stage in the process of gas or oil extraction and production after the raw material is ready for refining.

downstream Example

  • The bridge spanned the river just downstream of the rail line ( पुल ने नदी को रेल लाइन के ठीक नीचे की ओर फैला दिया )
  • The valley where I lived was downstream from coal mines ( जिस घाटी में मैं रहता था वह कोयले की खदानों से नीचे की ओर थी )
  • many of the protein gene sequences in this study appear to end with a single T that is directly adjacent to the downstream gene ( इस अध्ययन में कई प्रोटीन जीन अनुक्रम एक एकल टी के साथ समाप्त होते प्रतीत होते हैं जो सीधे डाउनस्ट्रीम जीन से सटे होते हैं )
  • deforestation could have disastrous consequences for downstream regions ( वनों की कटाई के डाउनस्ट्रीम क्षेत्रों के लिए विनाशकारी परिणाम हो सकते हैं )

More Sentence

  • The view downstream and directly below the bridge was awesome.
  • What was downstream that it might hit?
  • Protective works downstream of the dam were completed in 1906 at a cost of about £E304,000.
  • Three million tons of merchandise pass Magdeburg, going upstream, and nearly i million tons, going downstream, annually.
  • They were below the bridge and still drifting downstream.
  • You are more likely to swim faster if you head downstream.
  • A mile or so downstream, it flows into the Salmon River.
  • It was up a river that joined the Cusabo a little downstream.
  • Downstream, you have exploration companies and refineries and all.
  • It followed the Itsati River downstream to the West Tsoyaha River.
  • It was still rainy, and a cold, stiff wind was whipping downstream.
  • The farther downstream you venture the more brown trout you will find.
  • Underneath the still hot and liquid lava continues to flow downstream.
  • Mature silver eels migrate downstream from the first stormy night in October for two weeks (Fig 3 ).
  • the company is bigger downstream, deriving a larger slice of its revenues from refining and marketing the oil it finds
  • the car had floated some way downstream
  • a termination signal was found downstream from the coding region