bent - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bent in Hindi
- झुका हुआ
- बेंट
- दूब
- स्र्झानी
- कुबड़ा
- बंका
- स्र्झान
bent Definition
- sharply curved or having an angle. ( तेजी से घुमावदार या कोण होना। )
- dishonest; corrupt. ( बेईमान; भ्रष्ट। )
- homosexual. ( समलैंगिक। )
- determined to do or have something. ( कुछ करने या करने के लिए दृढ़। )
- a natural talent or inclination. ( एक प्राकृतिक प्रतिभा या झुकाव। )
- a stiff grass that is used for lawns and is a component of pasture and hay grasses. ( एक कड़ी घास जो लॉन के लिए उपयोग की जाती है और चारागाह और घास घास का एक घटक है। )
- a heath or unenclosed pasture. ( एक गर्म या बिना पका हुआ चारागाह। )
bent Example
- He particularly points out that James proved a highly capable naval officer, a career for which he seems to have had a natural bent . ( वह विशेष रूप से बताते हैं कि जेम्स एक उच्च सक्षम नौसेना अधिकारी साबित हुआ, एक ऐसा करियर जिसके लिए उसे स्वाभाविक झुकना पड़ा। )
- The spy was a bent motor dealer who controlled a network of car thieves and was supplying vehicles to a terrorist organisation. ( जासूस एक तुला मोटर डीलर था जो कार चोरों के एक नेटवर्क को नियंत्रित करता था और एक आतंकवादी संगठन को वाहनों की आपूर्ति करता था। )
- Although it is fair to say that not all sellers of these fake items are knowingly selling bent goods as genuine. ( हालांकि यह कहना उचित है कि इन नकली वस्तुओं के सभी विक्रेता जानबूझकर तुला माल को असली नहीं बेच रहे हैं। )
- Then a cold glint appeared in his eye as a reminder of just what he's seen and potentially done in all his years as a bent cop. ( फिर उसकी आंखों में एक ठंडी चमक दिखाई दी, जो उसने देखी है और जो उसके सभी वर्षों में संभावित रूप से मुड़े हुए पुलिस वाले की याद दिलाती है। )
- We'll be hearing from a few people who would definitely be classed as New Agers, but with a bent for ecological activism. ( हम कुछ लोगों से सुन रहे हैं जो निश्चित रूप से न्यू एगर्स के रूप में वर्गीकृत किए जाएंगे, लेकिन पारिस्थितिक सक्रियता के लिए झुकेंगे। )
- Our natural bent toward efficiency in consuming information will turn blogs into another mainstream medium. ( सूचना उपभोग में दक्षता के प्रति हमारा स्वाभाविक झुकाव ब्लॉगों को एक और मुख्यधारा के माध्यम में बदल देगा। )
- The shape of his bent body is echoed perfectly by the curve of the car's steering wheel. ( कार के स्टीयरिंग व्हील के घुमाव से उसके मुड़े हुए शरीर का आकार पूरी तरह से प्रतिध्वनित होता है। )
- That is what happens when you buy bent goods off a crook for a knock down price. ( ऐसा तब होता है जब आप एक नॉक डाउन प्राइस के लिए एक बदमाश से तुला सामान खरीदते हैं। )
- This is as bad as a bent cop forging evidence to put a real criminal away. ( यह उतना ही बुरा है जितना कि एक मुस्तैद पुलिस वाले को असली अपराधी को दूर करने के लिए सबूत देना। )
More Sentence
- Maybe the best bets for taking on this project are bright lawyers who combine a bent for original thinking with a desire to work on behalf of public good.
- Whatever your political or religious bent , you're not likely to be offended by this movie.
- He has a talent for being a down-and-out guy and he has a natural bent for comedy, as Russ reminded me on the way out of the theater.
- By using data transmitted directly from the vehicle, the likelihood of false readings is much reduced - which is good news for everybody but the bent salesman.
- My jeans snag onto a bent section of wire, jutting squarely out into the space.
- The plot is that the parole officer witnesses a murder committed by a bent copper.
- I made the best of it though, and barely noticed the increasing dampness of my right shoulder under the bent right-half corner of my umbrella.
- Peg the stem securely into the trench with bent wire. Bend up the shoot tip and tie to a cane fixed firmly in the soil to keep the shoot upright.
- The music led him to art classes and then, in the 1960s, he began to apply his creative bent to the construction skills he had learned in the navy.
- Then it all came back: the angle of the stroke, the bent knees and stooped posture, the gliding rhythm.
- He is only interested in the truth and along the way comes up against bent cops, the mob and an extremely hostile family, who are hiding the truth from their own.
- Begin lying supine with the ball between bent knees and extend your arms above your shoulders.
- Containing bent pins, human hair and perhaps urine, the bottles were supposed to protect a household against evil spells.
- Working with animal forms, she's used compressed mattress springs and bent wire to form quirky, ethereal beings.
- Howard has a bent for rebellion and grand causal schemes and shares that and other preoccupations with his grandparents.
- In fact, in the sense employed in this article, there is no intrinsic connection between having a bent for ideas and having a high IQ.
- Unfortunately his car had to be withdrawn from the feature due to a bent axle.
- He mixes easily with criminals, and suspicions abound that he was a bent copper who left under a cloud.
- They were shaken down by bent cops, leaned on by mobsters and harried by the FBI.
- The damage to his car was a bent chassis leg, damage to the bonnet, two wings, bumper and cross member.
- If wind blows the netting around, anchor it into the ground with bent wire.