bead - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bead in Hindi

  • मनका
  • गुरिया
  • गोला

bead Definition


  • decorate or cover with beads. ( मोतियों से सजाना या ढकना। )
  • cover (a surface) with drops of moisture. ( नमी की बूंदों के साथ कवर (एक सतह)। )


  • a small piece of glass, stone, or similar material, typically rounded and perforated for threading with others as a necklace or rosary or for sewing onto fabric. ( कांच, पत्थर, या इसी तरह की सामग्री का एक छोटा सा टुकड़ा, आमतौर पर गोल और छिद्रित होता है जो दूसरों के साथ एक हार या माला के रूप में या कपड़े पर सिलाई के लिए फैलाया जाता है। )
  • something resembling a bead or a string of beads, in particular. ( विशेष रूप से एक मनका या मोतियों की एक स्ट्रिंग जैसा कुछ। )

bead Example

  • She stopped to wipe another bead of sweat from her forehead when a large shadow appeared and offered a little welcome relief from the sun. ( वह अपने माथे से पसीने की एक और मनका पोंछना बंद कर दिया जब एक बड़ी छाया दिखाई दी और सूरज से थोड़ी राहत की पेशकश की। )
  • By contrast, Salem makers almost never used a single bead on the inside edge, preferring widely or closely spaced double beads. ( इसके विपरीत, सलेम निर्माताओं ने व्यापक रूप से या बारीकी से उभरे हुए डबल मोतियों को पसंद करते हुए, अंदरूनी किनारे पर एक भी मनका का उपयोग नहीं किया। )
  • I am pretty certain that your gun's bead is threaded, but I don't know the size offhand. ( मुझे पूरा यकीन है कि आपकी बंदूक का बीड थ्रेडेड है, लेकिन मुझे साइज ऑफहैंड का पता नहीं है। )
  • Perhaps better than might be achieved with such things as duct tape, staples, or bead of adhesive? ( शायद डक्ट टेप, स्टेपल, या चिपकने वाले मनका जैसी चीजों से बेहतर हो सकता है? )
  • This tool takes the toil out of caulking, by giving a fast, uniform bead . ( यह उपकरण तेज, एकसमान मनका देकर टॉयलेट को सावधानी से बाहर निकालता है। )
  • This refers to diameter of the metal ring, on which the bead of the tire rests. ( यह धातु की अंगूठी के व्यास को संदर्भित करता है, जिस पर टायर का मनका टिकी हुई है। )
  • I found an inflatable pink backpack, a bead necklace and a giant bone on my walk, not all in the same place. ( मुझे मेरे चलने पर एक inflatable गुलाबी बैग, एक मनका हार और एक विशाल हड्डी मिली, सभी एक ही जगह नहीं। )
  • After tooling, you can remove the masking and you'll find a very nice looking straight, clean, smooth bead of tooled caulk. ( टूलींग के बाद, आप मास्किंग को हटा सकते हैं और आपको टूलड कॉल्क की सीधी, साफ, चिकनी मनका दिखने में बहुत अच्छा लगेगा। )
  • The crystalline particles scatter as I shuffle to press the plates of glass together, running a smooth silicon bead along the joined edges. ( क्रिस्टलीय कण तितर-बितर हो जाते हैं, जैसे कि मैं कांच की प्लेटों को एक साथ दबाने के लिए मिलाता हूं, साथ में किनारों पर एक चिकना सिलिकॉन मनका चलाता है। )
  • After all my bragging about beads, Jim sent me a nice e-mail and asked me if I'd be willing to take a commission to bead him a bracelet. ( मोतियों के बारे में मेरी सारी डींग मारने के बाद, जिम ने मुझे एक अच्छा ई-मेल भेजा और मुझसे पूछा कि क्या मैं उसे कंगन पहनने के लिए कमीशन लेने के लिए तैयार हूँ। )

More Sentence

  • Apply the sealant in a smooth, continuous bead around the cutout.
  • Nail or screw a 2X2 piece of wood flush with the bottom of the ledger, and lay a bead of sealant at the joint to prevent water infiltration.
  • The average number of functional kinesin molecules per bead was estimated to be 1 by statistical methods.
  • Despite the cold, a single clear bead of sweat slid down her chest.
  • The residual water content of the slurried beads was estimated by drying to be 10 mg water/g bead .
  • Selene peered down at her plastic bead bracelet around her left wrist and fumbled with the beads.
  • ‘You're an idiot,’ I told myself as I let the hot steamy water bead down my body.
  • A smooth, uniform bead along the weld line is ideal.
  • To a Ready-To-Go PCR bead , 0.3 M of each primer and 1 l of cDNA were added.
  • The most satisfactory method is to check the difference in hardness between weld bead and heat-affected zone.
  • Vivienne struggled for an answer, feeling sweat bead along her nape and along her forehead, where her dark hair was already hanging limply from her shower.
  • For example, a polystyrene bead can be given a digital spectral code by impregnating it with some combination of blue, green and red quantum dots.
  • Just standing in the dugout with the suit on, sweat rolled down my face, forming a seemingly huge bead at the end of my nose.
  • He was in the bathroom, he said, when he noticed the red bead of an automatic weapon's sighting trained on him.
  • I know I am, having a dippy mother to call my very own and bead me things for my birthday.
  • Another advantage of this technology is that it prevents any geometric dispersion of the structure by simply acting on the thickness of the bead of cement.
  • Prime any bare wood, apply a 1/8-in. bead of new caulk, and wait a day to touch up with paint, if needed.
  • The plane is a Grecian ovolo with bead and is designed to cut a one-inch wide profile in half-inch thick stock.
  • This makes it imperative that you only push one bead into the valley at a time, since there is not room for both in there, as there often is with a Mavic UST rim.
  • These often have a small bead on one edge and a band molding applied to the other.