anal - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of anal in Hindi

  • गुदा
  • पूंछ के नीचे पर
  • अनल

anal Definition

  • involving, relating to, or situated near the anus. ( गुदा के पास, से संबंधित, या स्थित है। )

anal Example

  • They work by relaxing the muscle of the internal anal sphincter. ( वे आंतरिक गुदा दबानेवाला यंत्र की मांसपेशियों को आराम करके काम करते हैं। )
  • As with other aspects of my life, I'm capable of being rather anal about pleasure: I will go here, I will do such-and such, with so-and-so, and I will enjoy myself. ( अपने जीवन के अन्य पहलुओं के साथ, मैं खुशी के बारे में बल्कि गुदा होने में सक्षम हूं: मैं यहां जाऊंगा, मैं इस तरह का और ऐसा-वैसा करूंगा, और इसलिए मैं खुद का आनंद लूंगा। )
  • Hair is found on all parts of the skin except the palm and sole, and the oral, anal , and urogenital orifices. ( हथेली और एकमात्र को छोड़कर, और मौखिक, गुदा और मूत्रजनन संबंधी छिद्रों को छोड़कर त्वचा के सभी हिस्सों पर बाल पाए जाते हैं। )
  • Some cases of piles respond to stretching the anus, under anaesthetic, which is thought to relieve the spasm of the anal sphincter and so reduce pressure in the anus. ( बवासीर के कुछ मामलों में एनेस्थेटिक के तहत गुदा को खींचना होता है, जो गुदा दबानेवाला यंत्र की ऐंठन को दूर करने के लिए माना जाता है और इसलिए गुदा में दबाव को कम करता है। )
  • The goal of the present project is to empirically establish behavioral correlates of what is referred to in the analytic literature as the ‘ anal stage’ of libidinal or psychosexual development. ( वर्तमान परियोजना का लक्ष्य विश्लेषणात्मक साहित्य में व्यवहारिक सहसंबंधों को स्थापित करना है, जो कि लिबिडिनल या साइकोसेक्सुअल डेवलपमेंट के 'एनल स्टेज' के रूप में विश्लेषणात्मक साहित्य में निर्दिष्ट हैं। )

More Sentence

  • No cutaneous, ocular, anal , rectal, nasal, or oral mucosal lesions were demonstrated on thorough physical examination.
  • Because these egotists possess a certain anal personality, they summarily reject people who are often valuable assets to any company.
  • There can only be one anal person in the group, and the word ‘anal’ doesn't exist in AJ's vocabulary.
  • Plus, I didn't know you had to be anal to conjugate a verb.
  • I am neither strong nor anal about the ‘group system’ which, incidentally, and frankly, I think is quite a mess.
  • On the psychic level, as I have tried to demonstrate by analyzing the central joke as if it were a highly condensed, overdetermined dream image, it involves a regression to the anal stage.
  • At such a time, continence is maintained by the voluntary contraction of the striated muscle of the external anal sphincter.
  • The bimanual examination should also include a rectal examination to check anal sphincter tone and, for fecal impaction, the presence of occult blood or rectal lesions.
  • Freud himself, as one might expect from the character sketch given in the first chapter of this book, concentrated upon anal traits.
  • Continence depends on functioning muscles and nerves in and around the rectum and anal canal.
  • Other infected sites may include the pharynx, anal canal and urethra.
  • I'm so anal , I am not satisfied that one person said ‘That's not what anal means’ I have to take the next step and explain it.
  • Companies are anal about their files, but they should be anal about search.
  • Sitting or squatting straightens the angle between the rectum and the short anal canal.
  • He's being anal about ‘Chinese Democracy’.
  • It is girdled by the external anal sphincter, a striated muscle structure that is part of the pelvic floor musculature.
  • I know he is anal about his research from past years, so it would be a good place to start.
  • Have other people described you as being anal ?
  • If you have experienced bleeding from the anus, your GP will examine the anal canal and lower rectum using a small tube.
  • It could be demonstrated that creative thinking in science is closely connected with a specific reparation mechanism common in the anal stage of development.
  • I'm a mixture of untidy and anal .
  • We all know about wishful thinking, about denial and defence mechanisms, repression, narcissism, Freudian slips and the anal personality.
  • A friend of mine has a theory that everyone is either an anal , obsessive Bert or a laid-back Ernie.
  • Why am I so anal about writing HTML and not using tabs or spaces in my code?
  • His semi-aristocratic origins and gnomic utterances, his appearance and personality (staring eyes, middle-European name, cyclic and anal personality, withdrawal into northern isolation), are striking.