regrads - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of regrads in Hindi

  • सादर


  • सम्मान
  • ध्यान

regrads Definition


  • a protective interest : care

regrads Example

  • Give my regards to my uncle. ( मेरे चाचा जी को मेरा प्रणाम। )
  • Send my regards to your mate.  ( अपने साथी को मेरा अभिवादन भेजें। )
  • Their selection for a particular purpose depends upon some special quality which they possess; thus for brewing certain essentials are demanded as regards stability, clarification, taste and smell; whereas, in distilleries, the production of alcohol and a high multiplying power in the yeast are required. ( किसी विशेष उद्देश्य के लिए उनका चयन कुछ विशेष गुणों पर निर्भर करता है जो उनके पास होते हैं; इस प्रकार शराब बनाने के लिए स्थिरता, स्पष्टीकरण, स्वाद और गंध के संबंध में कुछ आवश्यक चीजों की मांग की जाती है; जबकि, डिस्टिलरीज में अल्कोहल के उत्पादन और यीस्ट में उच्च गुणन क्षमता की आवश्यकता होती है। )
  • As regards their common opposition to the Turk, this appeal led to nothing; but it marked the growth of a new Italian consciousness. ( जहां तक ​​तुर्क के प्रति उनके साझा विरोध का संबंध है, इस अपील का कोई नतीजा नहीं निकला; लेकिन इसने एक नई इतालवी चेतना के विकास को चिह्नित किया। )

More Sentence

  • The science of jurisprudence regards the state and power as the ancients regarded fire--namely, as something existing absolutely.
  • With a gap-toothed smile, he says he regards the company as the dance equivalent of vitamins.  
  • Yet rumors persist that something is up within the department in regards to funding.  
  • The interpretation is made in regards to the placement of the story rather than its plausibility.  
  • To your first question in regards to calling time, that is up to the umpire s judgement whether to call time or not.
  • Microsoft said that would not do and it should have an absolute injunction, both as regards copyright and trade marks.  [Copy]
  • This is one of the big problems with bureaucracies, especially as regards long-seated civil organizations.
  • The prophet regards Yahweh's administrative control as immediate:' he introduces no angels or other subordinate supernatural agents - the cherubs and the " men " of ix.
  • As regards chronology he is not very trustworthy; on the other hand, his moderation towards opponents, not excepting Cyril, deserves recognition.
  • As regards this crossing of s and sh, Arabic has with it the other south Semitic language, Ethiopic: the evidence as to the other north Semitic language, Assyrian, is conflicting.
  • Taking the number of hands engaged in the industry as a basis of comparison, the most important departments as regards iron and steel working in 1901 were:
  • As regards the teeth, in all cases except the wombats the number of upper incisors differs from that of the corresponding lower teeth.