cohesiveness - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cohesiveness in Hindi

  • सामंजस्य
  • संसज्जन
  • संसक्ति
  • संयोगशीलता

cohesiveness Definition


  • the quality of forming a united whole.

cohesiveness Example

  • a sense of national pride and internal cohesiveness ( राष्ट्रीय गौरव और आंतरिक एकता की भावना )
  • And the preseason is usually when a team develops its cohesiveness. ( और प्रेसीजन आमतौर पर तब होता है जब एक टीम अपनी एकजुटता विकसित करती है। )
  • And they're playing definitely with more cohesiveness ." ( और वे निश्चित रूप से अधिक सामंजस्य के साथ खेल रहे हैं।" )
  • The cohesiveness from earlier in the season seemed to be missing. ( सीज़न में पहले से सामंजस्य गायब लग रहा था। )

More Sentence

  • No cohesiveness or overall plan to it: just a bunch of piled up legalized restrictions and punishments that automatically become sanctified, unquestioned, feared, hated.
  • Touching again on the importance of family values and cohesiveness there was a recent study done in the United Sates that proves strong families and marriage is declining in our county.
  • Mary’s perception of the cohesiveness of the organization changes when she shifts her focus from reengineering the handling of multimedia to managing the intellectual capital of the company.
  • All the ‘old sweats’ that had an opinion to voice around the campfires reinforced the view that an army wins battles on its cohesiveness and ability to follow orders effectively, not on how ferocious they were.
  • For all its enormous range of space, climate, and physical appearance, and for all the internal squabbles, contentions, and strivings, Texas has a tight cohesiveness perhaps stronger than any other section of America.
  • But his fall line was dismissed as lacking cohesiveness and vision.
  • With Irabu, the Yankees could find cohesiveness in their rotation.
  • A sense of cohesiveness or, perhaps, of cumulative effect.
  • I was impressed by their cohesiveness, their desire to win.
  • So far, though, the campaign lacks cash and cohesiveness.
  • But that cohesiveness could not bring jobs nor rejuvenate the city.
  • "It doesn't help our cohesiveness,"
  • the film lacks cohesiveness