coffee bar - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of coffee bar in Hindi

  • कॉफी बार

coffee bar Definition


  • a bar or cafe serving coffee and light refreshments.

coffee bar Example

  • This was followed by a succession of jobs as a clerk, a wholesale grocer and working in a coffee bar. ( इसके बाद एक क्लर्क के रूप में नौकरियों का उत्तराधिकार, एक थोक किराने वाला और कॉफी बार में काम कर रहा था। )
  • Leisure facilities include a fitness gym, a sauna, a beauty salon and a coffee bar diner. ( अवकाश सुविधाओं में एक फिटनेस जिम, एक सौना, एक ब्यूटी सैलून और एक कॉफी बार डाइनर शामिल हैं। )
  • A coffee bar is a small café where non-alcoholic drinks and snacks are sold. ( एक कॉफी बार एक छोटा सा कैफे होता है जहां गैर-मादक पेय और स्नैक्स बेचे जाते हैं। )
  • When one did come down the service in the coffee bar was slow and equally brusque. ( जब कॉफी बार में सेवा नीचे आया तो धीमा और समान रूप से ब्रूस था। )

More Sentence

  • fitness gym, a sauna, a beauty salon and a coffee bar diner
  • He could be seen playing skiffle in pubs around town and even made several appearances at the legendary 2I 's coffee bar in Soho.
  • You can also purchase the full line of coffee pots online at the Cuisinart Coffee Bar Collection.
  • The Saeco Royal Coffee Bar Espresso Machine also retails for $1699 and is also available at Whole Latte Love and other vendors.
  • The resort has an espresso and coffee bar with a menu that features sweet and savory crepes, fondue and appetizers.