chickenpox - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of chickenpox in Hindi

  • छोटी माता
  • लघुमसूरिका

chickenpox Definition

  • an infectious disease causing a mild fever and a rash of itchy inflamed blisters. It is caused by the herpes zoster virus and mainly affects children, who are afterward usually immune. ( एक संक्रामक रोग जिसके कारण हल्का बुखार होता है और खुजली वाली फुंसियां हो जाती हैं। यह दाद दाद वायरस के कारण होता है और मुख्य रूप से बच्चों को प्रभावित करता है, जो बाद में आमतौर पर प्रतिरक्षात्मक होते हैं। )

chickenpox Example

  • Generally, chickenpox is a milder illness for children than it is for adults. ( आमतौर पर वयस्कों की तुलना में बच्चों के लिए चिकनपॉक्स एक मामूली बीमारी है। )
  • As in chickenpox , it takes the form of blisters containing virus particles. ( चिकनपॉक्स की तरह, यह वायरस कणों से युक्त फफोले का रूप ले लेता है। )
  • When you get chickenpox , the virus lies dormant, tucked away in a nerve root. ( जब आपको चिकनपॉक्स हो जाता है, तो वायरस निष्क्रिय हो जाता है, एक तंत्रिका जड़ में टिक जाता है। )
  • Some children were suffering from malaria, chickenpox and diarrhea. ( कुछ बच्चे मलेरिया, चिकनपॉक्स और डायरिया से पीड़ित थे। )

More Sentence

  • If a vaccinated child does get chickenpox , he or she generally has a mild case.
  • This is important if he is just getting over a flu-like illness or the chickenpox .
  • Shingles is not infectious in the same way as chickenpox , where the virus can be passed on in coughs and sneezes.
  • Can a pregnant woman catch chickenpox from a recently vaccinated child?
  • Viruses including flu, herpes, measles and chickenpox can cause pneumonia.
  • The sequence included chickenpox and flu, but more often it was tonsillitis that prevented her from practising, let alone playing.
  • A person with shingles is contagious to people who haven't had chickenpox .
  • The chickenpox rash is made up of lots of red blisters, which burst and then scab over.
  • Measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox can all be far more serious if you contract them as an adult.
  • I'm still not that enthusiastic about either hepatitis B or chickenpox vaccines.
  • The younger your child is when she gets chickenpox , the milder her symptoms will be.
  • It was once thought to be associated with infection, such as measles or chickenpox .
  • A person usually has only one episode of chickenpox in his or her lifetime.
  • Viruses like chickenpox spread mostly via the fluids of the nose and throat, usually during a cough or sneeze.
  • This serious but rare condition may develop in children who are given aspirin when they have a fever or chickenpox .
  • He was emphatic that chickenpox was not a milder version of smallpox and that the two were distinct maladies.