discredit - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of discredit in Hindi
- बदनाम
- बदनामी
- अपयश
- संदेह
- अप्रतिष्ठा
- अपमान
- बेइज़्ज़ती
- बदनाम करना
- कलंकित करना
- लज्जित करना
- अविश्वास करना
- अप्रत्यय
- अविश्वास
discredit Definition
- harm the good reputation of (someone or something).
- loss or lack of reputation or respect.
discredit Example
- Recent attempts to discredit evolution ( विकास को बदनाम करने के हालिया प्रयास attempts )
- The long-held belief fell into a state of discredit when an alternate theory proved to be more logical. ( जब एक वैकल्पिक सिद्धांत अधिक तार्किक साबित हुआ तो लंबे समय से चली आ रही धारणा बदनामी की स्थिति में आ गई। )
- To her discredit, none of the recipes she put in her new cookbook were original. ( उसकी बदनामी के लिए, उसने अपनी नई रसोई की किताब में जो भी व्यंजन डाले थे, वह मूल नहीं थे। )
- He should never have tried to discredit his boss because now he won’t be able to get a job anywhere in the industry. ( उन्हें कभी भी अपने बॉस को बदनाम करने की कोशिश नहीं करनी चाहिए थी क्योंकि अब उन्हें इंडस्ट्री में कहीं भी नौकरी नहीं मिल पाएगी। )
More Sentence
- Evolutionists discredit the biblical story of creation as a myth.
- He supposedly has a reputation as a great humanitarian, but the article in the newspaper seems to discredit that.
- Although many journalists are only interested in presenting the truth to the public, there are too many who seem to be out to discredit everyone in a position of power.
- His actions were such that they brought discredit on his profession
- The ships were a discredit to the country
- He’d assaulted Lynnette Lagrande’s character to discredit her.
- Therefore, Doubt has neither the power to extinguish or discredit an.
- His only way around this piece of evidence was to discredit the addict.
- She maintained that Helez had made up the whole story to discredit her.
- By discrediting the messenger, they were able to discredit the message.
- It does not require a great deal of imagination to discredit traditions.
- Was Wertheimer an agent provocateur, out to discredit the band?
- He has done nothing but to discredit and to humiliate us.
- He insisted the tragedy won't discredit the UFO movement.
- Speaker Gingrich admitted to bringing discredit on the House of Representatives.
- Martin said the board consistently seeks to discredit people who complain.
- Gerald tried to put things in my file to discredit me.
- In that way, the Cuban state can discredit me here.
- Spears had begun to look for any opportunity to discredit or embarrass her.
- It was their systems of teaching and practice which he sought to discredit.
- His remarks were taken out of context in an effort to discredit him
- Nor could he boast of that skill of graceful concession which enables its possessor to recede without discredit from an untenable position.
- Vico, indeed, shares with no few other townlets on the peninsula the discredit of having been afflicted sorely by witches.
- Reports have already been going round to your eternal discredit about this child, and one more act of yours will simply settle your hash.
- Future generations will, no doubt, be inclined to discredit such a report, as the wild tale of some imaginary mind.
- It is the soul of the effort that counts, and the disasters do not discredit '98 in Irish eyes.