asphyxiate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of asphyxiate in Hindi

  • गला घोंटना
  • श्वासावरोध उत्पन्न करना

asphyxiate Definition

  • kill (someone) by depriving them of air. ( (किसी को) वायु से वंचित करके मारना। )

asphyxiate Example

  • If you asphyxiate and die, she'll only be happier. ( यदि आप आत्महत्या करते हैं और मर जाते हैं, तो वह केवल खुश होगी। )
  • We all know someone who's very closeness can almost asphyxiate us right? ( हम सभी जानते हैं कि कौन बहुत निकटता हमें लगभग सही कर सकता है? )
  • Her children's allergy to the sun means they must live in near darkness: anything stronger than candlelight will cause the kids to break out in boils and then asphyxiate . ( सूरज के लिए उसके बच्चों की एलर्जी का मतलब है कि वे निकट अंधेरे में रहना चाहिए: मोमबत्ती की रोशनी से मजबूत कुछ भी बच्चों को फोड़े में टूट जाएगा और फिर श्वासावरोध कर देगा। )
  • Steam rose from all directions, billowing into swirls, each a threatening tentacle ready to choke, suffocate, asphyxiate me. ( सभी दिशाओं से भाप उठती है, भंवर में बिलखते हुए, प्रत्येक एक धमकी भरा तमाचा, घुटन, घुटन के लिए तैयार है। )
  • You would asphyxiate from the lack of oxygen in the atmosphere. ( आप वातावरण में ऑक्सीजन की कमी से परेशान होंगे। )
  • They were over land, at least, so they wouldn't asphyxiate underwater. ( वे जमीन पर थे, कम से कम, इसलिए वे पानी के नीचे नहीं सोखेंगे। )
  • Even if the burning of fossil fuel has so poisoned my city's air that I must leave immediately or asphyxiate , most people would permit me to escape by car. ( भले ही जीवाश्म ईंधन के जलने से मेरे शहर की हवा इतनी जहरीली हो गई हो कि मुझे तुरंत या आराम से छोड़ देना चाहिए, ज्यादातर लोग मुझे कार से भागने की अनुमति देंगे। )
  • I half-expect to asphyxiate , because with so many gasping at once, one would think all the oxygen would leave the air. ( मैं आधे-अधूरेपन की उम्मीद करता हूं, क्योंकि एक साथ इतनी हांफने के बाद, सभी को लगता है कि सभी ऑक्सीजन हवा छोड़ देंगे। )
  • But don't come complaining back to me when you start to asphyxiate . ( लेकिन जब आप asphyxiate करना शुरू करते हैं तो मेरे पास वापस शिकायत न करें। )
  • Pupils would often fall out of their chairs and asphyxiate with laughter. ( प्यूपिल्स अक्सर अपनी कुर्सियों से गिर जाते थे और हँसी के साथ उभरे होते थे। )
  • Unlike carbon dioxide systems, which will asphyxiate humans, these materials also are safe for occupants should they be unable to escape before the system discharges. ( कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड सिस्टम के विपरीत, जो मनुष्यों को प्रभावित करेगा, ये सामग्री भी रहने वालों के लिए सुरक्षित हैं, उन्हें सिस्टम के निर्वहन से पहले भागने में असमर्थ होना चाहिए। )

More Sentence

  • Although she can't possibly have any idea what she just said or why it amuses me so, and though her timing was nothing like the movie, I find it so funny that I nearly asphyxiate .
  • You have to be real careful that she doesn't asphyxiate or have difficulty with aspiration.
  • Infants and small children can become wedged in gaps and asphyxiate .
  • In large quantities the gas could cause asphyxiation .
  • He died of asphyxiation shortly after boarding.
  • Apparently the thick, nonporous tape kills the wart by asphyxiating it or something.
  • In their incompetent hands, data protection has become an asphyxiating blanket of political correctness, rather than a sword and shield to protect the interests of law-abiding citizens.
  • A forensic pathologist ruled he died from asphyxiation .
  • Tragedies involving dozens of people asphyxiated to death while packed in an ill-ventilated truck or vessel have so far not deterred them from risking their lives in seeking better lives.
  • For instance, some pepper-sprayed victims with asthma or bronchitis have died from asphyxiation .
  • They don't seem to notice the sun beating down or the fact that most people look as if they are asphyxiating .
  • Soldiers were deployed to stop these protesters - shooting into crowds, wounding many, and spraying teargas from helicopters, asphyxiating at least one child.
  • Steve was a good friend I lost last year; he asphyxiated and/or drowned at Soda Springs up in Napa.
  • The kids and I enjoyed having her company, apart from the fact that she just about asphyxiated us all each morning with the amount of hair spray she was using.
  • In fact, all the characters in the film feel so strongly about the agony of ordinary existence, and find their lives so asphyxiating , that escape, in whatever form it takes, becomes their oxygen.
  • Suddenly, he was floating in space, miraculously not asphyxiating from lack of oxygen.
  • The rot spreads, mould covering the sheen of life, dragging it down with cloying, asphyxiating stealth.
  • Thin air is un-nourishing and asphyxiating ; it is also what people and things disappear into.
  • Employing poison weapons or asphyxiating gases is classed by the tribunal as a war crime.