above board - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of above board in Hindi

  • बोर्ड के ऊपर


  • ऊपर


  • से ऊपर
  • से अधिक
  • बढ़कर
  • विशेषकर

above board Definition


  • in extended space over and not touching. ( विस्तारित स्थान पर और छूने पर नहीं। )
  • at a higher level or layer than. ( से उच्च स्तर या परत पर। )
  • higher than (a specified amount, rate, or norm). ( से अधिक (एक निर्दिष्ट राशि, दर, या आदर्श)। )


  • at a higher level or layer. ( एक उच्च स्तर या परत पर। )

above board Example

  • People who come from overseas for the match without a ticket are always prepared to fork out well above the going rate. ( जो लोग बिना टिकट के मैच के लिए विदेशों से आते हैं, वे हमेशा जाने की दर से अच्छी तरह से बाहर निकलने के लिए तैयार रहते हैं। )
  • All of these are political decisions to put the profits of big business above the lives of millions of ordinary people. ( ये सभी लाखों आम लोगों के जीवन के ऊपर बड़े व्यवसाय के मुनाफे को डालने के लिए राजनीतिक निर्णय हैं। )
  • I heard her shouting above the music ( मैंने उसे संगीत के ऊपर चिल्लाते हुए सुना  )
  • the sky above him grew dark ( उसके ऊपर का आकाश अंधकारमय हो गया )
  • For those who know, or have known, Dave Early, I was impressed to see his credit is on its own line, with space above and below. ( उन लोगों के लिए जो डेव अर्ली को जानते हैं, या जानते हैं, मैं यह देखने के लिए प्रभावित था कि उसका क्रेडिट अपनी लाइन पर है, ऊपर और नीचे की जगह के साथ। )
  • Follow the path as it snakes its way along the shoulder of the hill high above the Gannel Burn, on the right side of the glen opposite Law Hill. ( मार्ग का अनुसरण करें क्योंकि यह गनिल बर्न के ऊपर पहाड़ी के कंधे के साथ अपना रास्ता बनाता है, लॉयन हिल के ग्लेन के दाईं ओर। )
  • We are once again taking on a side from the division above us so we have a point to prove. ( हम एक बार फिर हमारे ऊपर विभाजन से एक तरफ ले जा रहे हैं ताकि हमारे पास साबित करने के लिए एक बिंदु हो। )

More Sentence

  • If you don't already know her work, you might like to check out the video mentioned above and also the samples at Amazon.
  • Am I only having this rant in order to make my voice heard above the din?
  • He said he hopes the company will produce a full quota of sugar and the benefits to both sides will be way above the costs of the dispute.
  • no-one is above suspicion
  • The Limerick side have a game in hand over Bective Rangers, one of three sides above them.
  • In Cunningham every candidate preferenced the Green above the Labor candidate.
  • In doing so he demonstrates a clear preference of respectability above passion.
  • The demands placed on our rank by those above us are significant, to attend their meetings, to do their bidding.
  • she married above her
  • If the shrub is still too tall, cut back the stems to just above a strong side shoot.
  • The space above the outstretched hand began to glow, shimmering in the darkness.
  • Travel millions of miles to space above the remarkable contours of Venus and Mars.
  • He was accused of protecting his draft status and of putting his welfare above the team's.
  • He stretched his arms high above his head and began to walk to his bedroom.
  • From time to time water in drips and flurries empties into the pool from a mechanism on the ceiling and we are able to observe the effect played out on the wall above .
  • Those already computed will be listed in the space just above the calculator.
  • We would redevelop it with a restaurant style pub on the ground floor, flats above and possibly housing in the car park.
  • They were polite and spoke barely above a whisper and never used faults in an animal to force a deal.
  • Of course, Scotland is not a sovereign country in the same way as Estonia - which ranks just above us.
  • in the hills above the capital
  • they hear sounds well above what we hear
  • Of course, some of what I described above was perfectly common in 19th Century America.
  • As they are two leagues above the local side it was, as it turned out, a fair and very entertaining game.