dissect - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dissect in Hindi


  • काटना
  • टुकड़े करना
  • चीड़फाड़ करना
  • विच्छेदन करना
  • अवलोकन अथवा आलोचना करना
  • चीर-फाड़ करना

dissect Definition


  • methodically cut up (a body, part, or plant) in order to study its internal parts.

dissect Example

  • Novels that dissect our obsession with cities and urban angst ( उपन्यास जो शहरों और शहरी गुस्से के साथ हमारे जुनून को काटते हैं )
  • Human sciences dissect everything to comprehend it, and kill everything to examine it. ( मानव विज्ञान इसे समझने के लिए हर चीज को विच्छेदित करता है, और इसकी जांच करने के लिए हर चीज को मार डालता है। )
  • When we come to dissect it, we find several striking characteristics. ( जब हम इसकी विवेचना करते हैं, तो हमें कई आश्चर्यजनक विशेषताएं मिलती हैं। )
  • 19 a nuances, or grades of difference, which are the more gradual the more finely we dissect the geologic column, while the terms species, sub-species and variety are generally based upon a sum of changes in several characters. ( 19 एक बारीकियां, या अंतर के ग्रेड, जो अधिक क्रमिक होते हैं, हम भूगर्भिक स्तंभ को अधिक सूक्ष्म रूप से विच्छेदित करते हैं, जबकि शब्द प्रजाति, उप-प्रजाति और विविधता आमतौर पर कई वर्णों में परिवर्तन के योग पर आधारित होते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • To go over the competition, dissect my entry, think about what I could have changed or improved on.
  • Saa-ra asked Bonnie to dissect their relationship in this sterile context—from the Place of No Pity.
  • Saa-ra asked Bonnie to dissect their relationship in this sterile context—from the place of no pity.
  • They’d give her psychological tests, trigger drug-induced hallucinations, dissect her mind and body.
  • And, no doubt about it, people are running around trying to dissect and inspect every iota of our lives.
  • He at least claims to have been the first to dissect the procedure of the debate-game, and the larger claim may be and Aristotle who was inferior as a metaphysician to neither.
  • Particularly is this so as regards the question of authorship. As Harnack observes (Lukas der Arzt, p. 24), the" miraculous " or supernormal ele ment is hardly, if at all, less marked in the " we " sections, which are substantially the witness of a companion of Paul (and where efforts to dissect out the miracles are fruitless), than in the rest of the work.
  • Take your favorite flower and really dissect the color placement.
  • He worked enthusiastically at dissection, though, the liberty of the Alexandrian schools no longer existing, he could dissect only animals, not the human body.
  • We have used laser microsurgery to dissect single cells to gain access to the plasma membrane for patch clamp recording.
  • A portion of this province in which weak rocks predominate gives an unusually broad valley region, known as the Valley of Virginia, drained by the Shenandoah river, and the headwaters of the James, Roanoke, New, and Holston rivers, which dissect the broad valley floor into gently rolling low hills.
  • The knife rests easy in Aaron’s hand and, as he begins to dissect the.
  • He and his team will dissect you; drain everything stored in your memory.
  • He needed to dissect the part of him that was in turmoil about Fern's fate.
  • Puller stood there for a few seconds trying to dissect what had just happened.
  • She could dissect cadavers with ease, but this was herself she was looking at.
  • Dissect him how I may, then, I but go skin deep; I know him not, and never will.
  • A chemical approach may, however, be used to dissect many of the seemingly intractable problems which have been posed.